Version: 1.12 Category: FIXED * fixed a problem in '' with side effects Text: on 'BIFIE.mva' if there is only one missing case of a variable Version: 1.12 Category: ADDED * added option for fixed entries in random effects Text: covariance matrix in 'BIFIE.twolevelreg', see Example 1, Models 2d und 2e for specification (suggested by Andrea Cantieni) Version: 1.12 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.12 Category: EXAMP * BIFIE.twolevelreg (1.2d, 1.2e Text: Version: 1.11 Category: NOTE * added an example of B-spline regression and nonparametric Text: regression in 'BIFIE.linreg' (Example 2) (question raised by Lena Keller) Version: 1.11 Category: NOTE * included more details about calculation method of quantiles Text: in 'BIFIE.ecdf' Version: 1.11 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.11 Category: EXAMP * BIFIE.linreg (2 Text: Version: 1.9.4 Category: NOTE * added S3 method 'print' for 'BIFIEdata' objects Text: Version: 1.9.4 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'BIFIE.twolevelreg' in handling cases Text: with zero sample weights (thanks to Nicole Haag) Version: 1.9.4 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'BIFIE.univar.test' for nested multiply Text: imputed datasets. This update also needs miceadds package version >= 1.8 (thanks to Nicole Haag and Anja Schiepe-Tiska) Version: 1.9.4 Category: NOTE * added note to descriptive functions in the miceadds Text: package (which can now handle objects of class BIFIEdata) in the help site of 'BIFIE.univar' Version: 1.9.4 Category: FIXED * The function 'BIFIE.twolevelreg' needs ordered cluster Text: identifiers which is now checked in advance of model fitting. If this condition is not fulfilled, then the estimation will not run (thanks to Mihaela Stiglic). Version: 1.9.4 Category: NOTE * included a simplified example for including cluster Text: means in BIFIEdata object Version: 1.9.4 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.9.4 Category: EXAMP * (1.7 Text: Version: 1.8 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in calculation of D2 statistic Text: Version: 1.8 Category: FIXED * corrected a wrong output of 'VarMI' for several Text: models for nested multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * cleaned namespace file and defined imported functions Text: in a more explicit way Version: 1.8 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.8 Category: EXAMP * Text: Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * corrected output of 'BIFIE.univar.test' in case of Text: no replicate weights Version: 1.7 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.7 Category: EXAMP * Text: Version: 1.6 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'BIFIE.univar.test' with multiple grouping Text: variables (thanks to Thilo Siegle) Version: 1.6 Category: FIXED * fixed a recently included bug (in BIFIEsurvey >= 1.3) Text: in creating 'BIFIEdata' objects for PISA designs: an incorrect value of 'fayfac' was generated by default (thanks to Thilo Siegle) Version: 1.6 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'BIFIE.univar.test' for designs with no replication Text: weights which caused noncalculation of the Wald test. Now, the Wald test is disabled (thanks to Thilo Siegle) Version: 1.6 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.6 Category: EXAMP * BIFIE.univar.test (2 Text: Version: 1.5 Category: NOTE * added citation information Text: Version: 1.5 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.5 Category: EXAMP * Text: Version: 1.4 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'BIFIE.pathmodel' in data preprocessing Text: phase (thanks to Michael Bruneforth) Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * added statistical inference in 'BIFIE.univar' and Text: created separate output for means and standard deviations (suggested by Hong Giang Pham) Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * fixed a bug in 'BIFIE.freq' with more than two variables Text: when all variables have the same number of categories (thanks to Thilo Siegle) Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * added multiple grouping variables in the argument Text: 'group' in all functions of BIFIEsurvey Version: 1.4 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.4 Category: EXAMP * BIFIE.freq (1 Text: Version: 1.3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in creating 'cdata=TRUE' objects in Text: '' (thanks to Hong Giang Pham) Version: 1.3 Category: FIXED * fixed incorrect p values for D1 statistic in case of Text: only one imputed dataset (thanks to Frank Goldhammer) Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * creation of sav files 'write.BIFIEdata' now does not Text: longer depend on PSPP, but on sjmisc package using the updated '' function from the miceadds package Version: 1.3 Category: FIXED * allowed overwriting of variables in ' Text: (thanks to Thilo Siegle) Version: 1.3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'BIFIE.mva' when only one variable is analyzed Text: A change has also been made if no covariates were provided. Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * changed defaults for argument 'fayfac' in ' Text: Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * large sample approximation of degrees of freedom is now Text: used for statistical inference Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * added statistical inference for nested multiply imputed Text: datasets. Use 'NMI=TRUE' for creating appropriate '' objects. Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * included inference for nested multiply imputed datasets Text: for all implemented methods Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * included pure R implementation of user defined function in Text: ''. Now, the user can choose via the 'use_Rcpp' argument whether Rcpp or pure R should be employed for function evaluation. Version: 1.3 Category: DATA * data.timss4 Text: Version: 1.3 Category: EXAMP * (1), (1), data.timss (2 Text: Version: 1.2 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in creation of jackknife zones when jackknife Text: zone identifier is provided (thanks to Hong Giang Pham) Version: 1.2 Category: NOTE * added lavaan.survey and lme4 to Suggests, mitools is Text: now imported Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * included initial version of two-level regression Text: Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * included initial version of path model estimation Text: with measurement errors in predictors Version: 1.2 Category: FIXED * enabled summary.BIFIE.logistreg which was not yet working Text: Version: 1.2 Category: NOTE * extended DESCRIPTION Text: Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * included option for finite sampling correction by allowing Text: vector input of 'fayfac' argument in '' (see Example 3 in '') Version: 1.2 Category: DATA * data.bifie01 Text: Version: 1.2 Category: EXAMP * data.timss (1,2,3), BIFIE.twolevelreg (1,2 Text: BIFIE.pathmodel (1), (3) Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in frequency tabulation for constant variables Text: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: EXAMP * Text: Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: NOTE * changed output for non-imputed datasets Text: Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in data handling for linear and logistic Text: regression Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: ADDED * included function 'BIFIE.BIFIEdata2datalist' for conversion Text: from BIFIEdata objects into a list of imputed datasets Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug when converting datasets containing a one Text: into BIFIEdata objects Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: EXAMP * added example for extracting number of unique values using Text: the function (Example 1, Model 3) Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: EXAMP * added an example for inclusing fitted values from lm and Text: a scores from principal component analysis in Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in calculating the variance between imputations Text: Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: ADDED * included function 'BIFIE.derivedParameters' for statistical Text: inference of derived parameters Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: ADDED * included coef and vcov S3 methods for all descriptive functions Text: and statistical models Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: NOTE * fixed a bug in extracting values of grouping variables Text: Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: ADDED * included an Rcpp based equivalent to the table function in R Text: 'bifietable' Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: DATA * Text: Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-10-12 Category: EXAMP * BIFIE.BIFIEdata2datalist (2), (1), Text: (8,9), BIFIE.derivedParameters (1), (1) Version: 0.3 Category: NOTE * changed handling of factors in conversion into a BIFIEdata object Text: Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included generation of bootstrap designs (' Text: Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included logistic regression 'BIFIE.logistreg Text: Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included function 'save.BIFIEdata' and 'load.BIFIEdata' for Text: saving and loading BIFIEdata objects Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included option for saving, loading and holding BIFIE datasets Text: in a compact format ('cdata') which avoids memory overflow in some applications Version: 0.3 Category: NOTE * enabled all methods to work for BIFIEdata obejcts which are saved Text: as 'cdata' Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included BIFIEdata conversion and selection functions 'BIFIE.dataselect Text: 'BIFIE.BIFIEdata2BIFIEcdata', 'BIFIE.BIFIEcdata2BIFIEdata' Version: 0.3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in linear regression with formula specification and Text: some missing values Version: 0.3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in Text: Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included a function 'write.BIFIEdata' for writing separate imputed Text: datasets from BIFIEdata objects permitting the formats csv, csv2, table and Rdata Version: 0.3 Category: FIXED * corrected output of standard errors in cases in which no replicate Text: weights were specified Version: 0.3 Category: NOTE * included an option for conversion of PISA data in ' Text: Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included function 'load.BIFIEdata' for efficient loading of files Text: and creation of BIFIEdata objects Version: 0.3 Category: FIXED * applied data transformation separately for every imputed dataset Text: Version: 0.3 Category: ADDED * included function 'BIFIE.mva' for conducting missing value analyses Text: Version: 0.3 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.timss1.ind Text: Version: 0.3 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: (1), BIFIE.logistreg (1,2 Text: save.BIFIEdata (1,2) Version: 0.2 Category: ADDED * included histogram 'BIFIE.hist Text: Version: 0.2 Category: ADDED * included empirical distribution function 'BIFIE.ecdf Text: Version: 0.2 Category: ADDED * included data transformation function ' Text: Version: 0.2 Category: NOTE * extended creation of jackknife grouping designs in ' Text: Version: 0.2 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.test1, data.pisaNLD Text: Version: 0.2 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: BIFIE.ecdf (1), (1 Text: (2), data.pisa (1) Version: 0.1 Category: ADDED * included functions:, BIFIE.univar, BIFIE.freq Text: BIFIE.correl, BIFIE.linreg, BIFIE.waldtest, BIFIE.univar.test,, BIFIE.crosstab, Version: 0.1 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.1 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 0.1 Category: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Text: Version: 0.1 Category: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Text: