Version: 5.4 Category: FIXED * fixed warnings in calculation of standard errors in Text: 'gdina' and 'gdina.wald' (thanks to Andres Alberto Burga Leon) Version: 5.4 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 5.4 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 5.3 Category: ADDED * included function CDM::IRT.RMSD which computed group-wise Text: item fit. The RMSD item fit statistic was denoted as RMSEA in previous publications and is internally computed by the CDM::itemfit.rmsea function in the CDM package. Version: 5.3 Category: ADDED * included chi square statistic and MAD statistic (mean Text: absolute deviation) of item fit in CDM::IRT.RMSD Version: 5.3 Category: NOTE * cleaned code in function 'WaldTest' a bit Text: (thanks to suggestions of Michael Chirico) Version: 5.3 Category: NOTE * added links to recently released GDINA package in R. Text: Included Example 1d for fitting a GDINA model with GDINA::GDINA. Version: 5.3 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 5.3 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: IRT.RMSD (1), gdina (1d Text: Version: 5.2 Category: NOTE * extended 'item_by_group' function which can now handle Text: partial set of group-specific items Version: 5.2 Category: ADDED * included option for a subset of invariant items in Text: multiple group estimation of GDINA model in 'gdina' (requested by Hamid Bahrami) Version: 5.2 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in setting boundaries for guessing and slipping Text: parameters in 'din' (thanks to Jill-Jen Vie) Version: 5.2 Category: NOTE * reference to new Journal of Statistical Software George et al Text: article in the CITATION file and the CDM manual Version: 5.2 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 5.2 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: item_by_group (1), Text: gdina (5) Version: 5.1 Category: FIXED * changed the method of standard error calculation in Text: 'gdina' function. It seems that previous CDM version produced overestimated standard errors (thanks to Xue-Lan Qiu). The improved calculation is now the default specified as the argument 'se_version=1'. The behavior of older CDM versions can be obtained with 'se_version=0'. Version: 5.1 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 5.1 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * changed the way of calculating numerical derivatives in Text: 'numerical_Hessian' Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * included utility function 'abs_approx' for a differentiable Text: function approximation (and its derivative 'abs_approx_D1') of absolute value function Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * added argument 'append' in function 'osink Text: Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * included a utility function 'summary_sink' which sinks Text: summary output of a method into a file Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * included utility function 'deltaMethod' for nonlinear Text: transformations of parameters Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * included utility function 'item_by_group' which extends Text: a dataset of item responses and a grouping variable to an extended dataset of group-specific item responses Version: 5.0 Category: ADDED * added sequential GDINA model for polytomous item responses Text: (Ma & de la Torre, 2016, BJMSP) in 'gdina' function. Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * included argument 'invariance' in 'gdina' which allows Text: specification of non-invariant item parameters across multiple groups (see ?gdina, Example 5) Version: 5.0 Category: NOTE * changed number of M-steps in 'slca' in default to 10 Text: iterations (msteps=10) Version: 5.0 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.cdm04 Text: Version: 5.0 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: abs_approx (1), Text: summary_sink (1), deltaMethod (1), item_by_group (1), gdina (5,11) Version: 4.991 Category: NOTE * changed argument structure of 'numerical_hessian Text: Version: 4.991 Category: NOTE * included maximum likelihood estimation method for Text: GDINA models (method='ML') which seems to be more stable when method='ULS' (or 'WLS') has a bad convergence behavior. Now, the GDINA function switches to ML estimation if the RRUM model is used (thanks to a correspondence with Thomas Eckes). Version: 4.991 Category: NOTE * added an example of fitting (data.cdm, Example 1) the Text: reduced RUM model in the CDM package (see the recent Chiu et al., IJT paper) Version: 4.991 Category: NOTE * changed default value of 'max.increment' argument in Text: 'gdina' function to .3 Version: 4.991 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'gdina.dif' (thanks to Sinem Senfarah Text: Version: 4.991 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.cdm03 Text: Version: 4.991 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: data.cdm (1 Text: Version: 4.8 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'itemfit.sx2' for fitted objects in TAM Text: Version: 4.8 Category: NOTE * slightly changed output of 'print' methods Text: Version: 4.8 Category: NOTE * changed argument 'rdigits' to 'digits' in 'summary Text: method if necessary Version: 4.8 Category: NOTE * included utility functions 'osink' and 'csink' for Text: writing output of 'summary' into a file Version: 4.8 Category: NOTE * allowed argument 'file' in 'summary' method for objects Text: of class 'gdina', 'gdm', 'mcdina' and 'slca' Version: 4.8 Category: ADDED * included function 'numerical_Hessian' for a numerical Text: evaluation of the Hessian matrix Version: 4.8 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.8 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: osink (1 Text: numerical_Hessian (1) Version: 4.7 Category: NOTE * extended Wald test for item fit 'gdina.wald' for DINO Text: models. In addition, an effect size of approximation ('uwgtdist' and 'wgtdist') is included Version: 4.7 Category: NOTE * cleaned namespace file and defined imported functions Text: in a more explicit way Version: 4.7 Category: ADDED * added a S3 method 'IRT.parameterTable Text: Version: 4.7 Category: ADDED * added a utility function 'WaldTest' for performing Text: Wald tests Version: 4.7 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.7 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: gdina.wald (1), data.ecpe (1 Text: Version: 4.6 Category: NOTE * included optional lower and upper bounds for estimation Text: of guessing and slipping parameters in 'din' (arguments 'guess.min', 'guess.max', 'slip.min', 'slip.max') (requested by Kevin Carl Santos) Version: 4.6 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.6 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 4.5 Category: NOTE * extended 'din' and 'gdina' functions for items with more Text: than five measured attributes per item (requested by Alvaro Artavia Medrano) Version: 4.5 Category: NOTE * included 'converged' value for all models indicating Text: whether maximum number of iterations was reached (suggested by an anonymous reviewer) Version: 4.5 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.5 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 4.4 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in function 'sequential.items Text: Version: 4.4 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.4 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 4.3 Category: NOTE * included t and p values in 'IRT.jackknife.gdina Text: Version: 4.3 Category: FIXED * fixed bugs in 'summary.gdina' and 'gdina' due to Text: computational problems in standard error calculation Version: 4.3 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.3 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 4.2 Category: FIXED * fixed the ignorance of the 'centered.latent' argument Text: in the 'gdm' function Version: 4.2 Category: ADDED * included S3 methods 'IRT.expectedCounts' for extracting Text: expected counts and '' for extracting the used item response dataset Version: 4.2 Category: ADDED * included general plotting function for item response Text: functions 'IRT.irfprobPlot'. This function can be used with both lattice and graphics packages. Version: 4.2 Category: ADDED * included S3 method 'predict' (and function 'IRT.predict Text: for computing expected values and residuals for fitted models in CDM Version: 4.2 Category: NOTE * added attributes group and weights to '' value Text: Version: 4.2 Category: NOTE * added a summary method for 'IRT.compareModels Text: Version: 4.2 Category: NOTE * changed output of posterior in 'gdina Text: Version: 4.2 Category: ADDED * included function 'IRT.repDesign' for constructing Text: replicate designs Version: 4.2 Category: ADDED * added arguments for fixing and initial parameters in Text: 'gdina' function Version: 4.2 Category: NOTE * added parameter table and matrix of polychoric correlations Text: among skills in 'gdina' output Version: 4.2 Category: ADDED * added S3 method 'IRT.jackknife' and an initial version Text: for models of class 'gdina' Version: 4.2 Category: ADDED * added function 'IRT.derivedParameter' for replication methods Text: for derived parameters based on objects of class 'IRT.jackknife' Version: 4.2 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.timss11.G4.AUT Text: data.timss11.G4.AUT.part Version: 4.2 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: IRT.expectedCounts (1,2 Text: IRT.irfprobPlot (1,2), predict (1,2), (1), IRT.repDesign (1,2), gdina (1), IRT.jackknife (1,2) Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: NOTE * included confidence intervals S3 method for din objects Text: Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in printing BIC for 'gdina' objects Text: Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: NOTE * included S3 method 'IRT.modelfit' for assessment of Text: absolute model fit Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: NOTE * included S3 method '' for computation of standard Text: errors Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: NOTE * included S3 method 'IRT.IC' for extracting information Text: criteria and 'IRT.compareModels' for model comparisons Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: NOTE * included object names in 'anova' methods for CDM objects Text: Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: NOTE * included S3 method 'IRT.anova Text: Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: NOTE * removed MX2 statistic from 'modelfit.cor' function Text: Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.1 Date: 2014-12-17 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: vcov.din (1), IRT.modelfit (1 Text: IRT.IC (1), IRT.compareModels (1), anova (1,2) Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * included argument for iteration progress in 'gdm Text: and 'slca' Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * included value call in 'din', 'gdina', 'gdm Text: 'mcdina' and 'slca' Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * changed print method in 'din' and included print method Text: for 'gdina', 'gdm' and 'slca' Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * added anova and coef method for 'slca' function Text: Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: ADDED * added asymptotic covariance matrix estimation S3 method Text: 'vcov' for objects of class din Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: ADDED * added computation of entropy of whole test and items in Text: function 'entropy.lca' (Asparouhov & Muthen, 2014) Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * included a summary function for 'cdi.kli Text: Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * included a function 'skillspace.full' for creating a Text: skill space for dichotomous skills Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: ADDED * included a plot S3 method for 'gdm' and 'slca' Text: Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * corrected a bug in person value of 'gdm': missing standard Text: errors of EAPs of multiple dimensions are now included Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: ADDED * included person fit appropriateness statistic (Liu et al., 2009 Text: Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: ADDED * included S3 methods 'IRT.likelihood', 'IRT.personfit Text: 'IRT.irfprob' and 'IRT.factor.scores' for objects of classes din, gdina, gdm, slca and mcdina Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: NOTE * included person parameter estimation (classification) for Text: 'slca' and 'mcdina' functions Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 4.0 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: data.dcm (1), modelfit.cor (2 Text: vcov-CDM (1), entropy.lca (1,2,3), personfit.appropriateness (1,2), slca (1), IRT.likelihood (1), IRT.irfprob (1), IRT.factor.scores (1) Version: 3.4 Category: NOTE * speeded itemfit.sx2 a bit Text: Version: 3.4 Category: NOTE * included output value 'pattern' in multiple group GDINA models Text: (requested by Sung Eun Kim) Version: 3.4 Category: NOTE * included adjusted mean absolute deviation of Q3 statistics (MADaQ3 Text: in modelfit.cor.din Version: 3.4 Category: EXAMP * included examples for running CDMs in mirt package Text: DINA model ('data.dcm', Model 1) Version: 3.4 Category: EXAMP * included examples for running CDMs in mirt package Text: additive GDINA model ('data.dcm', Model 6) Version: 3.4 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 3.4 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: modelfit.cor (1), din.deterministic Text: itemfit.sx2 (1), data.dcm (1,6) Version: 3.3 Category: ADDED * included structured latent class analysis for polytomous data ('slca Text: Version: 3.3 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 3.3 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: slca (1,2,3,4,5 Text: Version: 3.2 Category: NOTE * included an argument save.devmin in 'gdina' for more parsimonious Text: savings of output values to avoid working memory overflow for large datasets Version: 3.2 Category: NOTE * included effect size of differential item functioning in Text: gdina model (included in 'gdina.dif') Version: 3.2 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in itemfit.sx2 Text: Version: 3.2 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 3.2 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: gdina.dif (1 Text: Version: 3.1 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug when printing objects of class 'din Text: Version: 3.1 Category: NOTE * allowed vector input of item response pattern in 'plot.din Text: Version: 3.1 Category: NOTE * disabled argument log.file in 'summary.din Text: Version: 3.1 Category: NOTE * included random initial parameter values in 'din' and 'gdina Text: Version: 3.1 Category: NOTE * changed some settings in plot.din Text: Version: 3.1 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 3.1 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: din (1), gdina (1), plot.din Text: Version: 3.0 Category: NOTE * changed output in summary.gdina a bit (fixed a bug for Text: the output of skill probabilities) Version: 3.0 Category: NOTE * included the argument 'avoid.zeroprobs' in gdina function Text: to avoid zero probabilities of skill classes and inversion of singular matrices Version: 3.0 Category: NOTE * fixed problems in itemfit.sx2 for empty cells (thanks to Text: Balal Izanloo) Version: 3.0 Category: ADDED * included a Wald test for the GDINA model (gdina.wald Text: Version: 3.0 Category: ADDED * included assessment of item-wise differential item functioning Text: in the GDINA model (gdina.dif) Version: 3.0 Category: FIXED * removed minor bug in summary.gdina Text: Version: 3.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug with singular design matrix in skill space reduction Text: Version: 3.0 Category: ADDED * included calculation of polychoric correlation in summary.gdina Text: and an additional function skill.polychor Version: 3.0 Category: NOTE * removed parallel plot form plot.din Text: Version: 3.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a crucial bug for in the multidimensional GDMs with item slope Text: parameter estimation Version: 3.0 Category: ADDED * included function 'mcdina' for estimating the multiple group multiple Text: choice DINA (MCDINA) model with polytomous attributes Version: 3.0 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.cdm01, data.cdm02 Text: Version: 3.0 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: data.ecpe, gdina.wald (1), Text: gdina.dif (1), din (7), mcdina (1,2,3) Version: 2.7 Category: ADDED * included cognitive diagnostic indices based on Kullback-Leibler Text: information ('cdi.kli') Version: 2.7 Category: NOTE * changed NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files due to a change in Rcpp Text: Version: 2.7 Category: NOTE * included non-exported Rcpp files for calculating individual Text: likelihood and posterior distribution for polytomous items and multiple groups Version: 2.7 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 2.7 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: cdi.kli (1 Text: Version: 2.6 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in polytomous GDINA models with only one skill Text: Version: 2.6 Category: NOTE * included value 'zeroprob.skillclasses' in skillspace.hierarchy Text: Version: 2.6 Category: NOTE * included a more efficient skill space reduction method in Text: gdina: using the argument 'reduced.skillspace.method', the new implemented method is now the default Version: 2.6 Category: ADDED * included data transformation function 'sequential.items' for Text: constructing dichtomous pseudo items from polytomous items for estimation sequential item response models Version: 2.6 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.sda6, Text: data.timss07.G4.lee Version: 2.6 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: gdm (10 Text: Version: 2.5 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug when inverting a singular matrix in standard error Text: calculation in gdina function (thanks to Hsin-Hao Chen) Version: 2.5 Category: NOTE * included conditional item probabilities in gdina output Text: Version: 2.5 Category: NOTE * included gdina plot function (thanks to a discussion with Text: Hamdollah Ravand) Version: 2.5 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in summary.dina if data without column names Text: is provided (thanks to Hu Jinxiang) Version: 2.5 Category: FIXED * removed a bug in gdina function which occured sometimes Text: due to division by zero (thanks to Hu Jinxiang) Version: 2.5 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in cdm.est.class.accuracy for GDINA models Text: (thanks to Hamdollah Ravand) Version: 2.5 Category: FIXED * fixed some instable numerical behavior for higher order Text: GDINA models (thanks to Ed Merkle) Version: 2.5 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in calculating number of estimated parameters for Text: 'din' function in case of skill classes with zero probability (thanks to Juergen Gross) Version: 2.5 Category: NOTE * added some explanations in the manual of 'modelfit.cor Text: Version: 2.5 Category: ADDED * included S-X2 item fit statistic ('itemfit.sx2') accompanied Text: with a summary and a plot method Version: 2.5 Category: ADDED * included marginal skill classification reliability in Text: 'cdm.est.class.accuracy' function Version: 2.5 Category: ADDED * implemented significance tests in modelfit.cor and modelfit.cor.din Text: Version: 2.5 Category: ADDED * included jackknife estimation of standard Text: errors and bias corrected estimators in modelfit.cor.din Version: 2.5 Category: NOTE * speeded function 'modelfit.cor' by moving some parts of the code Text: to Rcpp Version: 2.5 Category: NOTE * included warnings in case of nonconvergence in gdina function Text: (thanks to a dataset provided by Hamdollah Ravand) Version: 2.5 Category: NOTE * slight change of algorithm for skill space reduction which Text: seems to improve convergence behavior Version: 2.5 Category: ADDED * included a function for skill space approximation Text: Version: 2.5 Category: ADDED * included a function for calculation reduced skill spaces Text: if hierarchies among skills exist ('skillspace.hierarchy') Version: 2.5 Category: ADDED * included generalized distance discriminating method and a function Text: for computing ideal response patterns Version: 2.5 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets:, data.melab, data.jang, Text: data.dtmr Version: 2.5 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: gdm (4,5,6), gdina (8,9), sim.din (3), Text: sim.gdina (2,3), itemfit.sx2 (1,2), din(6) Version: 2.4 Category: DATA * included two datasets 'data.dcm' and 'data.ecpe Text: Version: 2.4 Category: DATA * eliminated a recoding error in data.Students Text: Version: 2.3 Category: NOTE * worked on slight improvements of computation time in din Text: and gdina Version: 2.3 Category: DATA * included multiple group dataset ' Text: Version: 2.3 Category: NOTE * cleaned CDM manual (thanks to Michaela Mayr Text: Version: 2.2 Category: NOTE * accelerated rowMaxs function Text: Version: 2.2 Category: ADDED * included Q-matrix validation function (de la Torre, 2008 Text: Version: 2.2 Category: ADDED * included joint maximum likelihood estimation and Text: classification function for the mixed DINA/DINO model -> function din.deterministic Version: 2.2 Category: EXAMP * included another example (based on attribute vectors) Text: in sim.din function Version: 2.2 Category: ADDED * included polytomous GDINA model (Chen & de la Torre, 2013) Text: Version: 2.01 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in gdm in multiple group estimation: group Text: labeling was incorrect and is now included in output group.stat and displayed in summary.gdm Version: 2.01 Category: NOTE * improved convergence behavior for multiple group analysis Text: Version: 2.01 Category: NOTE * accelerated calculation in gdm: skillspace reduction Text: Version: 1.5 Category: NOTE * allowed for centering of intercepts and slopes in gdm Text: Version: 1.5 Category: ADDED * included satured skill distribution estimation in gdm Text: Version: 1.5 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in the calculation of RMSEA itemfit, although Text: is not clear if the correct formula is used Version: 1.5 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in gdm with varying number of item categories Text: (thanks to Artur Pokropek) Version: 1.5 Category: ADDED * included the multidimensional latent class IRT model Text: (Bartolucci, 2007) in gdm (skillspace="est") Version: 1.5 Category: NOTE * speeded calculation of modelfit.cor Text: Version: 1.4 Category: FIXED * eliminated a bug in GDINA function for link="log Text: Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * included the parametrization of the reduced RUM model in gdina Text: Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * worked on higher order GDINA model which has the argument Text: HOGDINA in gdina. Now there is dependency on the 'fa' factor analysis function in the psych package. Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * included log-likelihood extractor functions Text: Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * included group-wise calculation of RMSEA statistics Text: see itemfit.rmsea and the gdm output (thanks to Artur Pokropek) Version: 1.4 Category: FIXED * (hopefully) fixed a bug in gdm function with differing number of Text: item categories (thanks to Artur Pokropek) Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * use frequency patterns in gdm to speed up calculations Text: for large data sets (argument 'use.freqpatt' in gdm function) Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * included more than one step in gdm function Text: arguments msteps (set to 8 M steps as the default) and convM Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * included the general diagnostic model (function gdm Text: Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * included a function for calculating equivalent skill classes Text: for the DINA/DINO model Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * modelfit and anova functions are also accessible for the GDM Text: Version: 1.3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in the function for classification accuracy Text: Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * included the RMSEA item fit index Text: Version: 1.3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in gdina estimation Text: Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * included coef extractor function Text: Version: 1.2-3 Category: ADDED * included a model fit function modelfit.cor(.din) for the Text: comparison of observed and expected correlations Version: 1.2-3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in the gdina function when applying the model Text: with one skill Version: 1.2-1 Category: ADDED * allow for user specified reduced skill space designs Text: Version: 1.2-1 Category: ADDED * included tetrachoric correlations in summary.gdina function Text: Version: 1.2-1 Category: ADDED * handled zero probability classes in gdina function Text: Version: 1.2-1 Category: ADDED * allowed for output and input of attribute patterns in sim.din Text: function Version: 1.2-1 Category: NOTE * included relative deviance change as convergence criterion in din Text: function Version: 1.2-1 Category: ADDED * included function for determining a statistically equivalent Text: DINA model (von Davier, 2013) Version: 1.2-1 Category: NOTE * changed structure of din summary Text: Version: 1.2-1 Category: ADDED * included an anova function Text: Version: 1.2-1 Category: ADDED * included a function for estimating classification reliability Text: Version: 1.2-1 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in gdina function when creating design matrices Text: Version: 1.2.0 Category: ADDED * implemented the latent skill space reduction according Text: to Xu and von Davier (2008) Version: 1.2.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in calculation of estimated parameters Text: Version: 1.2.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in IDI calculation Text: Version: 1.2.0 Category: FIXED * corrected MLE based classification in case of latent Text: classes with a priori spceified zero probability in the din function (yet to be done in gdina) Version: 1.2.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in standard error calculation in gdina Text: Version: 1.2.0 Category: NOTE * speed improvements in din and gdina function Text: included a C function for calculating the posterior distribution Version: 1.2.0 Category: NOTE * check of admissible rule in gdina Text: Version: 1.2.0 Category: ADDED * include rule "GDINA2" and "GDINA1" ("GDINA1" is Text: equivalent to "ACDM") Version: 1.2.0 Category: ADDED * Simulation function for the GDINA model included Text: Version: 1.2.0 Category: ADDED * multiple group gdina function for estimation of Text: generalized DINA models (de la Torre, 2011) Version: 1.2.0 Category: ADDED * included new function summary.gdina Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * highest argument deleted from print.din method Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * new argument for summary.din n.skill.classes Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * skill pattern probabilities deleted from print.din Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * skill pattern summary replaced by n most frequent skill Text: classes in summary.din Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * (argument ask=TRUE in summary.din placed by overwrite=FALSE Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * use a different item discrimination index (Lee et al., 2012 Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * remove GDINA estimation from this package version because Text: it is in an experimental status -> gdina will be included in CDM >= 1.1-1 Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * new optional attribute for q-matrix specification list of skill Text: labels Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * changed ouput in din function Text: -> pattern, like and posterior are sorted according to the original input data frame Version: 1.1 Category: FIXED * remove a bug for models with only attribute Text: Version: 1.1 Category: ADDED * new argument for din method zeroprob.skillclasses Text: Version: 1.1 Category: ADDED * new argument for din method equal.itempars Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * new arguments for summary.din method log.file and ask Text: Version: 1.1 Category: FIXED * minor bug fixes in print.din method Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * replace internal method rowProds with faster rowProds2 Text: Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * option for writing an output file of model results included in Text: function summary.din Version: 1.0 Text: [--- FIRST CRAN RELEASE ---]