Version: 1.99993 Category: FEATURES Text: --- Version: 1.99993 Category: BUG FIXES Text: changed handling of item names in 'tam.mml.mfr' back to TAM 1.995-0 version (problem communicated by Barth Riley) Version: 1.99993 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.2pl' for irtmodel='' with provided design matrices for item slopes (thanks to Matthias Trendtel) Version: 1.99993 Category: NOTES Text: --- Version: 1.99993 Category: DATASETS INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.99993 Category: EXAMPLES INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.99992 Category: FEATURES Text: --- Version: 1.99992 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed incorrect handling of item renaming in 'tam.mml.mfr' (thanks to Barth Riley) Version: 1.99992 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in calculation of p values in '' (thanks to David Torres Irribarra) Version: 1.99992 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in 'IRT.simulate' with used argument 'nobs' (thanks to Mark Dulhunty) Version: 1.99992 Category: BUG FIXES Text: the fixing of the random seed within the '' function is removed (thanks to Sebastian Weirich) Version: 1.99992 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed crucial bug in 3PL estimation in 'tam.mml.3pl' function (thanks to Petra Kleiber) Version: 1.99992 Category: NOTES Text: stop estimation in 'tam.jml' (and 'tam.jml2') if there are persons with only missing item responses (communicated by Ricardo Primi) Version: 1.99992 Category: NOTES Text: included standard errors for constrained parameters in 'tam.mml.mfr' similar to the software ConQuest software (requested by Florian Keller und Domenico Angelone) Version: 1.99992 Category: DATASETS INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.99992 Category: EXAMPLES INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.995 Category: FEATURES Text: --- Version: 1.995 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in '' when proving a fit matrix F with missing labels (thanks to Maxim Morin) Version: 1.995 Category: NOTES Text: included argument 'version' in 'msq.itemfit'. Another Rcpp implementation (version=2) of the fit calculation has been added which avoids the storage of memory intensive objects (previous function; version=1). Additionally, a pure R function of calculating fit can be requested using version=3 (thanks to Frank Musekamp). Version: 1.995 Category: DATASETS INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.995 Category: EXAMPLES INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.99 Category: FEATURES Text: --- Version: 1.99 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.wle' which occured if some persons were eliminated from the analysis Version: 1.99 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a recently induced bug in 'tam.wle' estimation of multidimensional models (thanks to Sascha Bernholt) Version: 1.99 Category: NOTES Text: --- Version: 1.99 Category: DATASETS INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.99 Category: EXAMPLES INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.17 Category: FEATURES Text: included function 'IRTLikelihood.ctt' which computes the individual likelihood under classical test theory and normally distributed measurement errors Version: 1.17 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in plausible value imputation 'tam.pv' in case of 'normal.approx=FALSE' (thanks to Matthias Trendtel) Version: 1.17 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in plotting 'png' files in 'plot.tam' (thanks to Rainer Alexandrowicz) Version: 1.17 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in calculating standard errors with only one estimated xsi parameter Version: 1.17 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a crash in 'tam.jml2' Version: 1.17 Category: BUG FIXES Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.wle' when using the argument 'score.resp' Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: included Example 24 for specifying sum constraints in partial credit models (requested by Chen-Wei Liu) Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: output of 'tam.wle' is now an object of class 'tam.wle'. A print method for this class is defined. Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: WLE reliability in 'tam.wle' is now calculated by taken sample weights 'pweights' into account Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: included Example 11 of 'tam.mml.3pl' with mixed item response format (thanks to a correspondence with Andreas Seifert) Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: included utility functions for weighted statistics 'weighted_Stats' Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: included utility functions 'WLErel' and 'EAPrel' for computation of WLE/EAP reliability Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: added 'print' methods for tam classes ('tam.mml', 'tamaan', ...) Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: added S3 methods 'Scale' and 'DescribeBy'. The application of these methods to object classes will be included in future TAM versions. Version: 1.17 Category: NOTES Text: slight change in summary output of 'IRT.modelfit' Version: 1.17 Category: DATASETS INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: --- Version: 1.17 Category: EXAMPLES INCLUDED OR MODIFIED Text: tam.mml (24), WLErel (1), tam.mml.3pl (11), weighted_Stats (1,2,3), IRTLikelihood.ctt (1), tam.pv (2) Version: 1.16 Category: Features Text: --- Version: 1.16 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a crucial bug in estimation of 'tam.mml.2pl', irtmodel='' Version: 1.16 Category: Notes Text: included a warning message in 'IRT.truescore' when not all values in the theta grid can be computed Version: 1.16 Category: Notes Text: cleaned namespace file and defined imported functions in a more explicit way Version: 1.16 Category: Notes Text: included argument 'Q' in 'IRT.truescore' function which allows for computation of weighted true scores (thanks to David Sichau) Version: 1.16 Category: Notes Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.2pl' with irtmodel='' in case of blank categories Version: 1.16 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.16 Category: Examples included or modified Text: IRT.truescore (2) Version: 1.15 Category: Features Text: --- Version: 1.15 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in postprocessing of parameter names in 'tam.mml.mfr' with the option "constraint='items'" Version: 1.15 Category: Bug fixes Text: avoided NA entries in posterior calculation in 'tam.mml' and 'tam.mml.2pl' Version: 1.15 Category: Notes Text: corrected output of likelihood when minimum value was not obtained in last iteration Version: 1.15 Category: Notes Text: changed behavior of parameters 'max.increment' and 'increment.factor' in 'tam.mml.mfr' which should result in more stable deviance behavior Version: 1.15 Category: Notes Text: included attributes 'pid' and 'pweights' in 'IRT.likelihood' and 'IRT.posterior' Version: 1.15 Category: Notes Text: included optional argument 'gamma.init' for 'tam.mml.2pl' and irtmodel='' Version: 1.15 Category: Notes Text: included argument 'item.elim' in 'tam.mml', 'tam.mml.2pl' and 'tam.mml.3pl' which prevents the omission of items with a maximum score of zero (suggested by Anja Mikolajetz) Version: 1.15 Category: Notes Text: changed output of 'pweights' to original provided person weights, not the transformed person weights Version: 1.15 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.15 Category: Examples included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.14 Category: Features Text: --- Version: 1.14 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in creating design matrices with more than 9 levels of a factor in a facet for facet models with items with varying number of categories Version: 1.14 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a recently introduced bug in 'tam.pv' which occured due to a change in the list of arguments in auxiliary function 'stud_prior.v2' (thanks to Florian Gigl) Version: 1.14 Category: Notes Text: --- Version: 1.14 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.14 Category: Examples included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.13 Category: Features Text: --- Version: 1.13 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a recently introduced bug in TAM 1.12-0 when creating the item parameter table Version: 1.13 Category: Notes Text: extended value 'item' to output of category 0 if design matrices put values on zero categories Version: 1.13 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.13 Category: Examples included or modified Text: tam.mml (23) Version: 1.12 Category: Features Text: --- Version: 1.12 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a recently included bug (in TAM 1.11-0) in 'tam.mml.3pl' estimation when guessing parameters are estimated (thanks to Rolf Strietholt and Laura Zieger) Version: 1.12 Category: Notes Text: --- Version: 1.12 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.12 Category: Examples included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.11 Category: Features Text: --- Version: 1.11 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a recently included bug in TAM 1.10-0 in calculation of deviance in 'tam.mml.2pl', 'tam.mml.3pl' and 'tam.mml.3pl' (thanks to Christopher Gess) Version: 1.11 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a recently included bug in TAM 1.9-0 in estimation of models with estimated means of latent trait (thanks to Frank Musekamp) Version: 1.11 Category: Notes Text: included guessing parameters and its standard errors in output of 'tam.mml.3pl' ('guess' and 'se.guess') Version: 1.11 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.11 Category: Examples included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.10 Category: Features Text: added simulation function 'IRT.simulate' Version: 1.10 Category: Features Text: added function 'IRT.truescore' which converts theta scores into true scores Version: 1.10 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in calculation of expected counts Version: 1.10 Category: Notes Text: included argument 'dev_crit' in 'control' in tam functions which allows a decision whether change in absolute deviance difference (dev_crit="absolute") or in relative deviance differences (dev_crit="relative") should be assessed. Version: 1.10 Category: Notes Text: extended 'IRT.itemfit' S3 method to objects of classes generated in TAM (suggested by Karoline Sachse) Version: 1.10 Category: Notes Text: included item-wise calculation of thresholds according to Ali, Chang and Anderson (2015) suggestion in 'IRT.threshold' Version: 1.10 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.10 Category: Examples included or modified Text: IRT.itemfit.tam (1,2), IRT.threshold (3), IRT.simulate (1,2,3,4), IRT.truescore (1) Version: 1.9 Category: Features Text: included accelerators of the EM algorithm according to Ramsay (1975) and Yu (2012). In the recent TAM package version, no acceleration is used as an default. Version: 1.9 Category: Bug fixes Text: Fixed recently broken 'tam.mml.3pl' function when the design matrix E is used. Version: 1.9 Category: Notes Text: small speedup for large samples of students in unidimensional models Version: 1.9 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.9 Category: Examples included or modified Text: tam.mml (21,22) Version: 1.8 Category: Features Text: added S3 method 'IRT.informationCurves' for computing item and test information curves (suggested by Ray Opao) Version: 1.8 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a crucial bug in 'tam.mml.3pl' for mixed dichotomous and polytomous data occur and guessing parameters are estimated (thanks to Matthias Trendtel) Version: 1.8 Category: Notes Text: added the argument 'Q.fixed' in 'tam.mml.3pl' for usage of fixed item loadings Version: 1.8 Category: Notes Text: small speedup in M-step for datasets with large number of items Version: 1.8 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.8 Category: Examples included or modified Text: tam.mml (15c), tam.mml.3pl (10), IRT.informationCurves (1,2) Version: 1.7 Category: Features Text: included S3 method 'IRT.residuals' (and 'residuals') for objects of classes 'tam.mml', 'tam.mml.2pl' and 'tam.mml.mfr' Version: 1.7 Category: Features Text: added function 'msq.itemfitWLE' (see ?msq.itemfit) which computes outfit and infit statistics based on weighted likelihood estimates (WLEs) Version: 1.7 Category: Features Text: added function 'tam.Q3' for calculation of Q3 statistics based on WLEs Version: 1.7 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.3pl' (which led to an error) in case of multiple groups Version: 1.7 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.mfr' when no person identifiers were provided (thanks to by Michal Modzelewski) Version: 1.7 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'msq.itemfit' with differing number of categories per item Version: 1.7 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in calculation of expected counts for multifaceted models Version: 1.7 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.mfr' with non-unique combinations of person and facet identifiers Version: 1.7 Category: Notes Text: speeded 'tam.mml.3pl' for models with many item parameters Version: 1.7 Category: Notes Text: added argument 'change' in 'plotDevianceTAM' for plotting iteration progress in deviance values Version: 1.7 Category: Notes Text: added arguments 'progress' and 'output.prob' in 'tam.wle' Version: 1.7 Category: Notes Text: added summary of fit statistics in output of 'msq.itemfit' and 'summary.msq.itemfit' Version: 1.7 Category: Notes Text: included sample size of each item pair in 'tam.modelfit' output value 'stat.itempair' Version: 1.7 Category: Notes Text: renamed datset 'sim.rasch' into 'data.sim.rasch'. The same procedure was conducted for all other '' datasets. Version: 1.7 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.7 Category: Examples included or modified Text: IRT.residuals (1), msq.itemfit (1,2,3), tam.modelfit (4) Version: 1.6 Category: Features Text: included function 'IRT.drawPV' for drawing plausible values based on individual posterior (output of 'IRT.posterior') Version: 1.6 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug for input of a B loading matrix with no item labels Version: 1.6 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'plot.tam' with missing data in item responses (bug fix provided by Michal Modzelewski) Version: 1.6 Category: Bug fixes Text: corrected an included bug in recent TAM versions in AIC calculation (thanks to Simon Grund) Version: 1.6 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in variance fixing in 'tam.fa' which occured in a recent TAM version due to changes in defaults in 'tam.mml.2pl' Version: 1.6 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug when constraining of item parameters was ignored in 'tamaan' (thanks to Stefan Behrendt) Version: 1.6 Category: Notes Text: speeded data/design matrix preparation phase in 'tam.mml.mfr' Version: 1.6 Category: Notes Text: included internal function 'tamcat' for analyzing computation time Version: 1.6 Category: Notes Text: changed numerical behavior in 'tam.mml.mfr' in order to avoid a zero sum of all individual posterior probabilities (thanks to Roman Freunberger) Version: 1.6 Category: Notes Text: included argument 'xsi.setnull' in 'tam.mml.mfr' for convenient fixing of xsi parameter groups. A warning is now given if the combination of person and facet identifiers is not unique. Version: 1.6 Category: Notes Text: allowed also explicit use of facets without effects in 'tam.mml.mfr' on 'formulaA', e.g. 'item*step + 0*rater' sets all rater effects to zero Version: 1.6 Category: Notes Text: included warning in 'tam.wle' if the WLE is (possibly) not estimable (suggested by Rainer Alexandrowicz) Version: 1.6 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.6 Category: Examples included or modified Text: tam.mml (19, 20, 10a), IRT.drawPV (1), tamaan (1.9) Version: 1.5 Category: Features Text: included S3 methods 'IRT.expectedCounts', 'IRT.modelfit', 'predict' and '' for fitted models in TAM Version: 1.5 Category: Features Text: included item fit statistic on item level 'msq.itemfit' as an alternative to the simulation based '' function Version: 1.5 Category: Features Text: included linear approximation for confirmatory factor analysis 'IRT.linearCFA' Version: 1.5 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in plausible value imputation in multidimensional models and normal approximation (reported by Dan Su) Version: 1.5 Category: Bug fixes Text: changed resp in output of 'tam.mml', 'tam.mml.2pl' and 'tam.mml.3pl' to output the original used data with missings (thanks to Matthias Trendtel) Version: 1.5 Category: Bug fixes Text: extended tam.modelfit to handle multi matrix design appropriately Version: 1.5 Category: Bug fixes Text: changed defaults in 'est.variance' if 'variance.fixed' is provided in 'tam.mml.2pl'. The previous default led to bugs in the tamaan function. (reported by Christoph Duchhardt) Version: 1.5 Category: Notes Text: added output values 'xsi.fixed.estimated', 'B.fixed.estimated' for default item parameter fixings in tam.mml, tam.mml.2pl, tam.mml.mfr and tam.mml.3pl (suggested by Matthias Trendtel) Version: 1.5 Category: Notes Text: extended tan.modelfit function for more flexible input to allow for assessing model fit for objects which were not fitted in TAM ('tam.modelfit.IRT', 'tam.modelfit.args') Version: 1.5 Category: Notes Text: added 'IRT.likelihood' and 'IRT.posterior' S3 method for object of class 'tam.latreg' Version: 1.5 Category: Notes Text: extended 'plotctt' and 'plot.tam' the using graphics package in addition to lattice (suggested by Michal Modzelewski) Version: 1.5 Category: Notes Text: included function for computing Thurstonian thresholds ('IRT.threshold') Version: 1.5 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: --- Version: 1.5 Category: Examples included or modified Text: tam.mml (1,5t,6), IRT.expectedCounts.tam (1), tam.modelfit (1), predict (1), msq.itemfit (1), IRT.linearCFA (1,2), IRT.threshold (1,2) Version: 1.4 Category: Features Text: included function 'cfa.extract.itempars' for extracting item parameters from a fitted confirmatory factor analysis with the cfa function in lavaan package Version: 1.4 Category: Features Text: included the function '' for extracting the individual likelihood from fitted confirmatory factor analyses Version: 1.4 Category: Features Text: included an S3 method 'IRT.WrightMap' which is a wrapper to the WrightMap package Version: 1.4 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug for item response dataset with only one column Version: 1.4 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in tamaan function when applied to TYPE="TRAIT" and models without guessing parameters Version: 1.4 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in plot.ctt function for input of item response data with only one columns (thanks to Michal Modzelewski) Version: 1.4 Category: Notes Text: added item types 'PCM(kk)' and 'GPCM(kk)' for smoothing item intercepts in tamaan() function Version: 1.4 Category: Notes Text: included a summary method for '' Version: 1.4 Category: Notes Text: included 'MEASERR' convenience method for single indicators with measurement errors in 'lavaanify.IRT' Version: 1.4 Category: Notes Text: changed some internal handling in 'lavaanify.IRT' due to announced changes in lavaan 0.5-18 in 'lavaanify' Version: 1.4 Category: Notes Text: changed equality constraints in the section "MODEL CONSTRAINT" in 'tamaanify' to the usage of "==" instead of "=" (as in lavaan) Version: 1.4 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: data.ctest2 Version: 1.4 Category: Examples included or modified Text: cfa.extract.itempars (1), (1), tamaan (2), (1,2), data.geiser (2), tam.latreg (2,3), IRT.WrightMap (1,2,3,4), data.cqc (1,2,3), lavaanify.IRT (6) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included option for sum constraints on item intercepts (constraint="items") in 'tam.mml'. For polytomous data, this option automatically specifies irtmodel="PCM2". Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included truncated normal prior distributions for gammaslope parameters in 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included 'tamaan' and 'tamaanify' functions for more more convenient model specifications in TAM Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included 'doparse' function as a shortcut for writing loops in model syntax Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included item-category specific curves in 'plot.tam' using the argument type="items" (suggested by Cheng-Hsuan Li and Michal Modzelewski) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: plot function for type="items" now also works for multidimensional item response models with between item dimensionality Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included normal approximation and sampling of regression coefficients for plausible value imputation ('tam.pv') for multidimensional item response models. The theta grid can also be fixed (argument theta.model=TRUE) and is taken from the fitted model. Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included the function 'tampv2datalist' for converting plausible values and a set of covariates into a list of multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Features Text: included the function 'tam.latreg' which performs a latent regression model in which only the individual likelihood is needed as an input Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Bug fixes Text: corrected algorithmic stopping criteria in 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.2pl' when design matrix B.fixed for fixed loadings contains only one row Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Bug fixes Text: another bug was fixed by Michal Modzelewski in data preparation in the multi-facet function 'tam.mml.mfr' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in estimation routines if a dataset resp is provided without column names (thanks to Alec Nyce) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Notes Text: included parametrization of mean item intercept (irtmodel="PCM2") in output of tam.mml and tam.mml.2pl (value item$xsi.item) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Notes Text: included nonlinear terms in lavaan syntax in 'lavaanify.IRT' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Notes Text: included option for initial delta parameters in 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Notes Text: added AIC3 information criterion in summary Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Notes Text: included datasets data.geiser and data.janssen for latent class analysis and mixture Rasch analysis (thanks to Christian Geiser and Anne Janssen) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Notes Text: included Example 3 in 'tam.wle' comparing WLE person parameter estimates from the TAM and the PP package Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Notes Text: included Example 3 in 'tam.threshold' for creating Wright maps with the WrightMap package Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: data.geiser, data.janssen, data.janssen2 Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: Examples included or modified Text: tam.modelfit (3), tam.mml (1,4,5,6,13,18), lavaanify.IRT (3,4), tam.mml.3pl (1.6b,4,7,8,9), tamaanify (1,2), tamaan (1,2), plot.tam (1,2), tam.wle (3), tam.threshold (3), tam.pv (2,3), tam.latreg (1) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Features Text: included fit of constrained facet parameters for output of 'tam.mml.mfr' Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Features Text: included extended lavaan syntax 'lavaanify.IRT'. This function was previously included in sirt package as 'lavaanify.sirt'. Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Features Text: added argument '' in 'tam.mml.3pl' for centering item parameters within iterations in estimation Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Features Text: included an argument of fixing person parameters in 'tam.jml' (see tam.jml, Example 1) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Features Text: added S3 methods for fitted models in TAM: 'logLik', 'IRT.likelihood', 'IRT.posterior', 'IRT.irfprob', 'IRT.factor.scores'. These S3 methods were defined in the recent version of the CDM (>= 4.0) package. Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Bug fixes Text: improved model identification in 'tam.mml.mfr' in case of differing number of categories per item and fixed a bug in creating the A matrix (thanks to Michal Modzelewski). Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a miscount of number of estimated parameters in multiple group models (thanks to Michal Modzelewski). Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed incorrect handling of irtmodel="PCM2" in 'tam.mml' for multidimensional models (thanks to Chen-Wei Liu) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.jml2' when some item parameters were fixed with the xsi.fixed argument Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in fit calculation for tam.jml objects (thanks to Hillary Ferral) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: included Rcpp based version of item fit calculation to reduce computational time Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: changed calculation of in case of missing item responses which substantially changes fit statistics especially for faceted models. Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: changed handling of simulating abilities in '' Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: included p values in output for fit statistics in '' Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: included estimation of Thurstonian thresholds for multidimensional models Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: added an example of a 2PL mixture distribution IRT model with two latent classes (tam.mml.3pl, Simulated Example 8) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: changed summary layout in 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: made item parameter estimation in 'tam.jml' more computationally efficient Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: added anova method for 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Notes Text: added value of the individual likelihood in 'tam.mml', 'tam.mml.2pl' and 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: rating dataset data.exJ03 (provided by Matt Barney) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-11-22 Category: Examples included or modified Text: (4), tam.threshold (2), tam.mml.3pl (7,8), lavaanify.IRT (1,2), tam.jml (1,4), IRT.likelihood.tam (1), IRT.factor.scores (1), IRT.irfprob (1) Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Features Text: added user defined variance function in tam.mml and tam.mml.2pl Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Features Text: added user defined constraints on slope parameters in 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in deviance computation in 'tam.mml.3pl' when stochastic nodes are used Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Bug fixes Text: (hopefully) fixed computational problems in multidimensional models with nearly singular covariance matrix (thanks to a discussion with Johannes Hartig) Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Notes Text: added a plot function 'plot.ctt' accompanying the classical test theory based statistic Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Notes Text: fixed a bug in creation of design matrices in faceted models with differing categories per item (thanks to Michal Modzelewski). Note that the treatment of faceted models is still not compatible with other software (like ConQuest). A substantial bug fix is planned in future TAM relaeses. Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Datasets included or modified Text: data.ctest1 (thanks to HGP) Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-10-19 Category: Examples included or modified Text: (4), tam.mml (17), tam.ctt (1) Version: 1.0-3.18 Category: Bug fixes Text: modified incorrectly calculated thresholds with 'tam.threshold' for multidimensional models (reported by Janine Buchholz and Joerg-Henrik Heine) Version: 1.0-3.18 Category: Notes Text: included SRMSR fit statistic in tam.modelfit Version: 1.0-3.18 Category: Notes Text: included argument "Nsimul" in "" which improves calculation of fit statistics Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: included model fit statistics (Q3, SRMR, MADRESIDCOV): 'tam.modelfit' Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: included 'tam.mml.3pl' for 3PL estimation, general design matrices for item slopes and options for discrete latent variables (estimation of latent class models, located latent class model, skew distributions, mixed IRT models, cognitive diagnosis models, ... is now possible) Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: extended tam.pv for objects of class 'tam.mml.3pl' Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: speeded data preparation of faceted models a bit Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: now computes standard errors for estimated slope parameters, B (for irtmodel in c("2PL", "GPCM", "2PL.groups")); highly experimental for irtmodel=""). Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: plot.tam now prints a message about the location of the exported graphics. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: plot.tam has a new argument 'items' for selecting the items to be displayed. RD-file adjusted. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: plot.tam has new arguments 'export.type="png"' and "export.args=list()" for selecting the file type for the graphics export. The supported file types are those supported by ? The argument 'export.args=list()' is for specifying a list of arguments for the export device method. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Features Text: tam.threshold has a new argument prob.lvl to set the probability level of the thresholds. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in pid output in object 'person' for multidimensional models (thanks to Sebastian Weirich) Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in variance estimation for multiple group 2PL models Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: included 'designMatrices.mfr2' for a provisional bug fix for multifaceted models with differing number of categories per item (see Example 16 in tam.mml; thanks to Christoph Duchhardt) Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in 'tam.mml.mfr' for differing number of categories per item -> now a xsi vector with parameter fixings to values of 99 is used Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: plot.tam is debugged regarding the case of missing WLEs for some person (thanks to Florian Buchwald). Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: plot.tam now doesn't throw a warning when the 'Plots' directory already exists. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in plot.tam for cross-platform accordance (thanks to Uli Keller). Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in with missing item scores Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Bug fixes Text: fixed a bug in tam.jml so that ../Tutorials/6Population.htm now runs without error. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: is experimental for objects obtained from tam.mml.mfr. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: changed convergence behavior in tam.wle (thanks to Peter Harych) Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: changed item sorting in output object 'item' Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: tam.mml(/.2pl/.mfr) methods now return Q, tam.mml.2pl additionaly returns B.fixed, basispar, E, and est.slopegroups objects. RD-file adjusted. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: tam.jml(/.jml2) do not return fit statistics anymore. Item and person fit can be obtained by a call to (/ Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: in case of multidimensional analyses, we recommend an update of the R-package mvtnorm to version 0.9-99992 or higher. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: extended example 13 in tam.mml.Rd to the case of polytomous longitudinal data (requested by and thanks to Florian Buchwald) Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: extended example 6 in tam.mml.Rd to the specification of sum constraints on the item parameters in a PCM model for differing number of categories. Version: 1.0-3 Date: 2014-06-27 Category: Notes Text: Some minor changes in RD-files (eg., irtmodel for argument 'E' in tam.mml.2pl is "", theta value in tam.jml is "MLE in final step"). Version: 1.0-2 Date: 2014-04-02 Text: fixed a Bug in the optional specification of a B matrix in tam.mml.mfr Version: 1.0-2 Date: 2014-04-02 Text: new faster tam.mml.wle2; included Rcpp helper functions for tam.mml.wle2 for fast computation; tam.mml.wle2 new reference in tam.wle for objects of class tam.mml, rd-file adapted Version: 1.0-2 Date: 2014-04-02 Text: tam.mml.mfr now accepts polytomous data with more than ten categories per item Version: 1.0-2 Date: 2014-04-02 Text: specification of response matrix in 'long format' fixed, see example section (thanks to Takuya Yanagida) Version: 1.0-2 Date: 2014-04-02 Text: some minor changes in usability (eg., pid can be specified as vector, one-column matrix or data.frame) Version: 1.0 Text: updated DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE due to changes in Rcpp Version: 1.0 Text: change in package maintenance: Thomas Kiefer is now the package maintainer Version: 1.0 Text: fixed a bug in item labeling in (thanks to Sebastian Weirich) Version: 1.0 Text: fixed a bug in labeling of reduced reponse matrices in tam.mml.mfr Version: 1.0 Text: fixed some examples in .Rd files Version: 0.91 Text: added 'AXsi_' as value in tam.mml, tam.mml.2pl and tam.mml.mfr Version: 0.91 Text: cleaned labels in 'tam.mml.mfr' for faceted models Version: 0.91 Text: included the argument 'score.resp' in tam.wle for scoring a new dataset different than the one which is used for item calibration in tam (requested by Jan Boehnke) Version: 0.91 Text: added examples for applying a sum constraint of item parameters in 'tam.mml' (request by Kelvin Gregory) Version: 0.91 Text: included argument 'adj' in tam.jml/tam.jml2 for modifying the adjustment in case of perfect scores (thanks to Courtney Castle) Version: 0.91 Text: included dataset 'data.timssAusTwn.scored' Version: 0.91 Text: included summary for tam.jml Version: 0.91 Text: use plausible values for calculation in item fit (in Version: 0.91 Text: included an example for creation of user-defined fit statistics Version: 0.9 Text: removed blanks in item category labels in tam.ctt2 and tam.ctt3 Version: 0.9 Text: allowed non-integer group labels Version: 0.9 Text: fixed a bug in data preparation for facet models which appeared since a change in TAM 0.7 (thanks to Jonathan Williams) Version: 0.8 Text: changed rating scale parametrization for unequal number categories per item Version: 0.8 Text: included a warning in tam.ctt2 if memory allocation is reached Version: 0.8 Text: included deviance plot 'plotDevianceTAM' (thanks to Sebastian Weirich) Version: 0.8 Text: included tam.ctt3 Version: 0.7 Text: include crossprod in some functions Version: 0.7 Text: fixed a bug for using latent regression models in facet model function 'tam.mml.mfr' (thanks to Jonathan Williams) Version: 0.7 Text: included another facet example (Example 14) Version: 0.7 Text: fixed a bug in tam.mml.mfr if all facets possess the same number of levels Version: 0.7 Text: fixed a bug in multidimensional generalized partial credit model estimation and speeded 2PL estimation a bit Version: 0.7 Text: included bifactor model and exploratory factor analysis -> function 'tam.fa' with arguments irtmodel='efa','bifactor' Version: 0.7 Text: now printing progress in tam.ctt2 correctly Version: 0.7 Text: fixed a bug in data processing in tam.mml.mfr for factor or string input of facets Version: 0.7 Text: included more examples in, anova.tam.mml, tam.pv, tam.jml,, tam.wle Version: 0.7 Text: avoided inversion of singular matrices in multidimensional WLE estimation tam.wle (thanks to Iasonas Lamprianou) Version: 0.7 Text: removed bugs for item response datasets with only one item in tam.mml and tam.mml.2pl Version: 0.7 Text: fixed a bug in tam.ctt2: multiple groups were not displayed Version: 0.7 Text: included an option for deleting redundant generalized items which sometimes improves computation speed Version: 0.7 Text: cleaned the TAM manual (thanks to Michaela Mayr) Version: 0.7 Text: changed output structure of tam.fa and included rotation examples in tam.fa.Rd Version: 0.7 Text: included additional convergence stabilizing approach which can be activated using the argument 'fac.oldxsi' in control -> See Example 15 for such a non-converging model where changing algorithmic defaults seems necessary (problem addressed thanks to Sebastian Weirich) Version: 0.7 Text: substituted internal 'theta.sq' function by Rcpp based function 'theta.sq2' Version: 0.7 Text: started with including examples similar to the ones in the ConQuest 2.0 manual (see data.cqc.Rd) Version: 0.6 Text: fixed a bug when in latent regression when providing a formula in argument 'formulaY' Version: 0.6 Text: fixed a bug in output of (thanks to Sebastian Weirich) Version: 0.6 Text: included a faster alternative to tam.ctt -> tam.ctt2 is based on a Rcpp function Version: 0.6 Text: allowed freeing beta constraints by the user by including the possible argument beta.fixed=FALSE Version: 0.6 Text: removed a bug in data processing for faceted designs (thanks to Michaela Mayr) Version: 0.6 Text: fixed a bug with varying string lengths of facet levels Version: 0.6 Text: fixed a bug in tam.ctt2 for numeric input matrices Version: 0.6 Text: fixed incorrect handling of constraints in regression coefficients which was just included in a recent 0.6 version Version: 0.6 Text: fixed an output bug in tam.wle in multidimensional models (thanks to Jan Henning-Kahmann) Version: 0.6 Text: accelerated estimation of multdimensional models (different approach of calculating the prior distribution) Version: 0.6 Text: fixed a bug when submitting xsi.inits and beta.inits to tam Version: 0.6 Text: fixed a bug in facet models when a facet contains only one element (twice thanks to Michaela Mayr) Version: 0.6 Text: included irtmodel='PCM2' (partial credit model with ConQuest parametrization) and irtmodel='RSM' (rating scale model) Version: 0.6 Text: added a longitudinal data example in 'tam.mml' manual Version: 0.5 Text: included data.ex11 example dataset Version: 0.5 Text: removed a bug in WLE calculation for multifaceted designs Version: 0.5 Text: avoided warning in cov2cor for tam.mml.2pl function (thanks to Linda Graefe) Version: 0.5 Text: included argument increment.factor for obtaining convergence behavior in bad suited data constellations Version: 0.5 Text: changed default of np.adj in tam.pv to 8 Version: 0.5 Text: included two helper functions written in Rcpp in plausible value imputation function tam.pv for better performance Version: 0.5 Text: included S3 plot method Version: 0.5 Text: included data.numeracy and data.timssAusTwn datasets Version: 0.4 Text: [*** First CRAN Release ***] * included quasi-Monte Carlo integration as an alternative to stochastic integration * multifaceted model completely implemented * print warning if there are items in resp with only zeroes (thanks to Ronny Scherer) * fixed a bug in tam.wle, tam.pv and * fixed a bug in creating design matrices for faceted designs * changed initial xsi values for indetermined parameters (thanks to Sebastian Weirich) * included function for calculating Thurstonian thresholds * included Rcpp function in M step for calculating item parameters * fixed a bug for partial credit models * included parametrization of the dispersion model for ordered data * included a function tam.ctt for calculating some statistics based on classical test theory * fixed a bug in tam.mml.2pl with irtmodel="GPCM" for models with differering numbers of item categories Version: 0.3 Text: cleaned Rd manual files a bit Version: 0.3 Text: included standard errors in tam.mml and tam.mml.2pl Version: 0.3 Text: included summary.tam and summary.tam.mml Version: 0.3 Text: included anova.tam for model comparisons Version: 0.3 Text: fixed a bug in multiple group estimation during tam.mml and summary application Version: 0.3 Text: fixed a bug in WLE estimation in the multdimensional case Version: 0.2 Text: removed bugs in tam.pv for sampling plausible values with the argument normal.approx=FALSE (thanks to Sebastian Weirich) Version: 0.2 Text: included seed for stochastic integration in the tam control argument Version: 0.2 Text: fixed a bug in stochastic integration (thanks to Steffen Brandt) Version: 0.2 Text: fixed a bug in the calculation of reliability and person parameter estimates when applying stochastic integration (thanks to Steffen Brandt and Caroline Just) Version: 0.2 Text: use estimated parameters with minimal deviance in the output (thanks to Ulrich Schroeders and Steffen Brandt) Version: 0.1-03 Text: 2PL calibration outsourced Version: 0.1-03 Text: designMatrices and tam.mml.mfr method for multifacet rasch model calibration included. Both highly experimental. Version: 0.1-03 Text: Examples for the calibration included, see help file of sim.mfr