Version: 2.3 Category: NOTE * updated incorrect examples in miceadds::micombine.chisquare Text: and miceadds::micombine.F (thanks to Nicholas Breitborde) Version: 2.3 Category: NOTE * restructured Rcpp functions Text: Version: 2.3 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 2.3 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: micombine.F (1), Text: micombine.chisquare (2) Version: 2.2 Category: FIXED * fixed bug in data processing 'mice.impute.pls' and Text: 'mice.impute.plausible.values'. Additional arguments 'envir_pos' and 'extract_data' have been included (thanks to Peter Lenz). Version: 2.2 Category: FIXED * fixed problems in 'mice.impute.pls' due to derived predictor Text: variables such as interactions due to standard deviations of zero (thanks to Peter Lenz) Version: 2.2 Category: NOTE * included some utility descriptiptive statistics functions Text: 'stats0', 'mean0', 'sd0', ... Version: 2.2 Category: NOTE * included correct attributes in 'scale_datlist' function for Text: objects of class datlist (thanks to Andrew Frank-Wilson) Version: 2.2 Category: NOTE * extended 'scale_datlist' function to handle multiple variables to Text: be standardized Version: 2.2 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 2.2 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: stats0 (1), scale_datlist (3 Text: Version: 2.1 Category: NOTE * added utility function 'filename_split' for splitting file names Text: Version: 2.1 Category: NOTE * added utility function 'files_move' for moving files from one Text: directory into another directory Version: 2.1 Category: NOTE * included starting values in imputations in the function Text: 'mice.impute.2l.latentgroupmean.MCMC' which are obtained from previous iterations in MCMC imputation chain Version: 2.1 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 2.1 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: filename_split (1), files_move (1 Text: Version: 2.0 Category: FIXED * fixed an incorrect calculation in D2 statistic which appeared Text: differently in literature (thanks to David Tian) Version: 2.0 Category: NOTE * allow now vectors of strings to specify file names in ' Text: Also included the value NULL of the argument 'path' if a path should not be specified in this argument. Version: 2.0 Category: ADDED * included mice imputation method 'mice.impute.hotDeck' for Text: probabilistic hot deck imputation Version: 2.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug included in 'mice.impute.plausible.values' using Text: likelihood objects which was recently introduced in miceadds 1.9 Version: 2.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in predicted mean matching of two-level data in Text: function 'mice.impute.2l.pmm' Version: 2.0 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 2.0 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mice.impute.hotDeck (1 Text: Version: 1.9 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'mice.impute.2l.binary'. Random slopes were Text: not properly handled in the previuos package version (miceadds 1.8). Version: 1.9 Category: ADDED * included lme4-based and blme-based imputation of normally Text: distributed two-level data in 'mice.impute.2l.continuous' function. Predictive mean matching for two-level data is also added as the 'mice.impute.2l.pmm' function. Version: 1.9 Category: ADDED * included imputation function '2lonly.function' for level 2 Text: imputation based on (arbitrary) level 1 imputation function Version: 1.9 Category: ADDED * added general group-wise imputation function 'mice.impute.bygroup Text: Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * included t values and p values in output of 'pool_mi' for Text: inference of multiply imputed datasets (due to a request on R help list of Jennifer Lorenz) Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * renamed PLS imputation method '2l.pls' into 'mice.impute.pls Text: Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * renamed plausible value imputation method into Text: 'mice.impute.plausible.values' Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * renamed 'mice.impute.2l.eap' into 'mice.impute.eap Text: Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * Defunct functions: 'mice.impute.2l.pls', 'mice.impute.2l.pls2 Text: 'fast.groupmean', 'fast.groupsum', 'mice.impute.2l.plausible.values', 'mice.impute.2l.eap', 'mice.impute.2lonly.norm2', 'mice.impute.2lonly.pmm2' Version: 1.9 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.9 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mice.impute.2l.lmer (1 Text: mice.impute.2lonly.function (1), mice.imputation.bygroup (1), lm.cluster(1), mice.impute.pls (1) Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * added argument 'subdir' in 'write.datlist' indicating whether Text: output should be written in a subdirectory or directly into the working directory Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * fixed a minor bug in creation of Mplus input files in Text: 'write.mice.imputation' and 'write.datlist' Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * deleted display of chi square approximation p value in Text: 'micombine.F' and 'micombine.chisquare' (after a discussion with Joanna Kaye) Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * extended 'subset' methods for integer input of argument Text: 'subset' which allows easier selection of rows by specifying row indices Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * changed dimnames handling in 'NMIwaldtest' which should have Text: no practical side effects Version: 1.8 Category: ADDED * added utility functions 'ma.wtd.skewnessNA' and Text: 'ma.wtd.curtosisNA' for calculating skewness and curtosis (due to a correspondence with Timo Ehmke) Version: 1.8 Category: ADDED * added the function 'ma.wtd.quantileNA' for weighted quantile Text: calculation Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * extended 'ma.wtd.statNA' functions to handle objects of Text: class 'BIFIEdata' from the BIFIEsurvey package Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * renamed 'fast.groupmean' and 'fast.groupsum' into 'GroupMean Text: and 'GroupSum' and added function 'GroupSD' for calculation of group-wise standard deviations Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * replace 'Hmisc::wtd.var' import by 'TAM::weighted_sd Text: Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * shift Hmisc, inline, MBESS and pls packages from Imports Text: to Suggests and removed bayesm from Imports Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * rewrite of 'scan.vec' which avoids temporary file savings Text: Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * extended 'micombine.cor' to nested multiply imputed datasets Text: for objects of classes 'datlist' and 'nested.datlist' and single datasets (optionally non-imputed), i.e. the input of 'micombine.cor' must not be mids objects Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * added function 'micombine.cov' which has same functionality Text: as 'micombine.cor' Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * added attributes in 'datlist' and 'nested.datlist' for cases Text: of varying sample sizes in imputed datasets Version: 1.8 Category: FIXED * added functionality of handling single imputed datasets in Text: 'pool_mi' function Version: 1.8 Category: ADDED * added inference for partial correlation in 'micombine.cor Text: using the argument 'partial' Version: 1.8 Category: FIXED * fixed an unnecessary warning message in 'datalist2mids' for Text: class checking (thanks to Janet Kwok) Version: 1.8 Category: ADDED * included imputation methode '2l.binary' of binary variable Text: with two-level logistic regression models Version: 1.8 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.8 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: subset.datlist (1), Text: ma.wtd.statsNA (1,2,3,4), GroupMean (1), mi.combine.cor (1,2) Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * allowed alternative specification of weighting variable in Text: 'scale_datlist' which now allows for group-wise standardizations Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * included arguments 'index' and 'systime' in '' for Text: automatic inclusion of indices and time stamps in saved datasets Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * included argument 'se' in 'NMIcombine' function which can be Text: used if only standard errors instead of covariance matrices are available Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * added utility function 'pool_mi' for inference of multiply Text: imputed datasets which has the same functionality as 'mice::pool' or 'mitools::MIcombine'. This function provides summary, coef and vcov S3 methods. Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * function 'datalist2mids' is now also accessible via Text: 'datlist2mids' (which is more coherent to class 'datlist') Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * defined 'pool_nmi' synonymously to 'NMIcombine Text: Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added S3 print method for 'datlist', 'nested.datlist Text: 'NestedImputationList' Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * added subsetting methods 'subset_datlist' (and the S3 method Text: subset) for multiply imputed datasets and 'subset_nested.datlist' for nested multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added further calculation of fraction of missing information for Text: nested multiply imputed datasets according to Harel and Schafer (2002) in 'NMIcombine' which can be assessed by the argument 'method=2'. Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * extended imputation of latent group means to lme4-based imputation Text: in 'mice.impute.2l.latentgroupmean.ML' and MCMCglmm based imputation in 'mice.impute.2l.latentgroupmean.MCMC' Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added with and within methods for objects of class 'datlist Text: and 'nested.datlist' Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * added convenience functions 'withPool_MI' and 'withPool_NMI' for Text: pooling (averaging) estimates for (nested) multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * added utility function 'scan0' which is 'scan' with default Text: what='character' Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * added utility functions 'nestedList2List' and 'List2nestedList Text: for list conversions Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * added functions 'nested.datlist2datlist' and 'datlist2nested.datlist Text: for converting nested multiply and multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * extended argument 'type' in '' for saving a dataset in Text: multiple file formats Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added example for plausible value imputation in Amelia package Text: in draw.pv.ctt.Rd (Example 1) Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added 'print' methods for 'mids.1chain' and 'mids.nmi' objects Text: (the method is equivalent to 'summary') Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * exported 'write.fwf2' and 'read.fwf2' for writing and reading Text: files in fixed width format Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added utility function 'VariableNames2String' for handling Text: variable names which should be converted into strings Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * added utility function 'write.datlist' for writing multiply Text: imputed datasets Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * included function 'mi_dstat' for relating missingness Text: indicators to covariates Version: 1.7 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.7 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: scale_datlist (1), (1 Text: pool.mids.nmi (1,2), pool_mi (1), subset_datlist (1,2), datlist2mids (1), with.miceadds (1,2), scan.vec (1), nestedList2List (1), datlist_create (4), (1), draw.pv.ctt (1), write.fwf2 (1), data.graham (1,2), VariableNames2String (1), write.datlist (1), mi_dstat (1) Version: 1.6 Category: NOTE * included argument 'X' in 'mids2datlist' and 'mids2mlwin' Text: which allows the inclusion of further variables in list of multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.6 Category: NOTE * output of function 'mids2datlist' is now of class 'datlist' Text: or 'nested.datlist' Version: 1.6 Category: ADDED * extended weighted statistics 'ma.wtd.statNA' to (nested Text: multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.6 Category: NOTE * included 'datlist_create' and 'nested.datlist_create' utility Text: function Version: 1.6 Category: NOTE * changed estimation method in imputation of latent group means Text: in 'mice.impute.2l.latentgroupmean' to MCMC estimation using the MCMCglmm package Version: 1.6 Category: ADDED * added 'scale_datlist' for adding a standardized variable to a Text: list of multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.6 Category: NOTE * cleaned namespace file and defined imported functions Text: in a more explicit way Version: 1.6 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.6 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mids2datlist (3), Text: ma.wtd.statNA (1,2,3), datlist_create (1,2), scale_datlist (1,2), cxxfunction.copy (1) Version: 1.5 Category: NOTE * changed function '' due to changes in a recent sjmisc Text: package update on CRAN Version: 1.5 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.5 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * included argument 'suffix' in '' for easier Text: inclusion of parts of file names when saving data Version: 1.4 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in imputation method '2l.latentgroupmean Text: (reported by Simon Grund) Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * added Spearman rank correlation for 'micombine.cor' and Text: an example for statistical inference for Kendalls tau (see 'micombine.cor', Example 2) (suggested by Kathleen Gali) Version: 1.4 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.4 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: micombine.cor (2 Text: Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * added imputation method 'grouped' for grouped (coarsed) data Text: Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * included 'NMIcombine' function as an extension to Text: 'MIcombine' (mitools package) to nested multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * included function 'NMIwaldtest' which performs a multi Text: parameter Wald test for nested multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * added argument 'extend' in 'fast.groupmean' which is useful Text: for the inclusion of group means in original datasets Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * added D1 statistic (Wald test) 'MIwaldtest' as a Text: multiparameter test for multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.3 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'lm.cluster' and 'glm.cluster'. Text: Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * The 'cluster' argument in 'lm.cluster' now allows vector input Text: Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * included datasets from missing data book of Graham (data.graham) Text: Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * included some examples of the jomo package Text: Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * added argument 'NMI' in 'NMIcombine' function which now also Text: allows input for non-nested multiple imputation Version: 1.3 Category: ADDED * added 'NMIextract' function as an extension of 'MIextract Text: (mitools package) to nested multiply imputed datasets Version: 1.3 Category: NOTE * added utility function 'library_install' which loads packages Text: and conducts installations if required Version: 1.3 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.ma06, data.graham Text: Version: 1.3 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mice.impute.grouped (1 Text: pool.mids.nmi (1.4,1.5), NMIwaldtest (1,2), fast.groupmean (1), lm.cluster (1,2), jomo2datlist (1), pool.mids.nmi (1), library_install (1) Version: 1.2 Category: NOTE * fixed a bug in '' for loading datasets of type 'table Text: Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * included utility function 'mids2mlwin' for writing MLwiN files Text: (contributed by Thorsten Luka) Version: 1.2 Category: NOTE * added suggestions to sav file writing functions in haven and Text: sjmisc packages Version: 1.2 Category: NOTE * removed dependency on PSPP for writing sav files in ' Text: Now, the function 'write_spss' from the sjmisc package is used. Version: 1.2 Category: NOTE * added further values in 'systime' function Text: Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * added a utility function 'visitSequence.determine' for Text: determining visit sequence for an imputation model when passive variables are involved Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * added function 'mice.nmi' for conducting nested multiple Text: imputation generating objects of class 'mids.nmi' Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * extended 'complete' function from mice package for objects of Text: classes 'mids.1chain' (function 'complete.mids.1chain') and 'mids.nmi' (function 'complete.mids.nmi') Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * extended 'mids2datlist' for objects of class 'mids.nmi Text: Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * added 'with' S3 method for objects of class 'mids.1chain' and Text: 'mids.nmi' producing objects of class 'mira' (defined in mice) and 'mira.nmi'. For 'mira.nmi', a summary method is defined. Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * added 'within' S3 methods for objects of class 'imputationList Text: (which are defined in the mitools package) Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * added statistical inference for nested multiply imputed datasets Text: in 'pool.mids.nmi' function Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * added functions 'lm.cluster' and 'glm.cluster' for cluster robust Text: standard errors for 'lm' and 'glm' functions using the multiwaycov package (and the function 'cluster.vcov' therein) Version: 1.2 Category: ADDED * added function 'NestedImputationList' function for creating objects Text: of class 'NestedImputationList'. S3 Methods 'with' and 'within' are defined for operating on this list of lists of datasets. The S3 method 'MIcombine' (from mitools package) is extended to objects of class 'Nested ImputationResultList'. Version: 1.2 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.2 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: write.pspp (1), (1 Text: systime (1), visitSequence.determine (1), datalist2mids (1), mice.nmi (1), complete.miceadds (1,2), mids2datlist (2), with.miceadds (1,2), pool.mids.nmi (1), lm.cluster (1), NestedImputationList (1) Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * extended 'datalist2mids' function to handle a single dataset Text: Version: 1.1 Category: ADDED * included plausible value imputation via a provided Text: individual likelihood Version: 1.1 Category: NOTE * included row.names argument and missing value argumant Text: in '' Version: 1.1 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.1 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mice.impute.2l.plausible.values (2 Text: Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-11-08 Category: NOTE * fixed a minor bug in write.pspp when a variable only Text: contains values of zero Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-11-08 Category: NOTE * allow specification of a part of the file name in ' Text: the most recent file is loaded Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-11-08 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-11-08 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 0.14 Category: ADDED * included Type 3 sum of squares in ANOVA in 'mi.anova Text: (thanks to Florian Buchwald) Version: 0.14 Category: ADDED * included a function 'load.Rdata2' which prevents from Text: the definition of the output in the global environment as in 'load.Rdata' Version: 0.14 Category: ADDED * included utility function '' and ' Text: for loading and saving data files from and to several formats Version: 0.14 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.14 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mi.anova (1), load.Rdata Text:, Version: 0.13 Category: ADDED * included several R utility functions Text: Version: 0.13 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.13 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 0.12 Category: FIXED * included bug fixes for 'mice.impute.2lonly.pmm' (mice version Text: 2.21) as 'mice.impute.2lonly.pmm2' in miceadds -> the same for 'mice.impute.2lonly.norm' Version: 0.12 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.12 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: Text: Version: 0.11 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in tw.mcmc.imputation for rows with only missings Text: Version: 0.11 Category: ADDED * included function write.pspp for writing SPSS files using PSPP Text: Version: 0.11 Category: ADDED * included predict method for kernelpls.fit2 function Text: Version: 0.11 Category: NOTE * export and extended fast.groupmean function to include weights Text: Version: 0.11 Category: NOTE * export mice.impute.2l.pls and mice.impute.2l.pls2 Text: Version: 0.11 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in the creation of interactions in Text: mice.impute.2l.pls (thanks to Takuya Yanagida) Version: 0.11 Category: NOTE * included calculation of weighted covariance matrix with missing Text: entries in datasets Version: 0.11 Category: ADDED * included mice.impute.pmm3, mice.impute.pmm4, mice.impute.pmm5 and Text: mice.impute.pmm6 Version: 0.11 Category: NOTE * included scale2 as a faster substitute for the scale function in R Text: Version: 0.11 Category: ADDED * included mice.1chain as an alternative to the mice function Text: which multiply imputes data from a long chain Version: 0.11 Category: ADDED * included imputation function 'mice.impute.2l.eap' for imputation Text: from a known (normal) posterior distribution Version: 0.11 Category: ADDED * included function mids2datlist for conversion of a mids object Text: into a list of datasets Version: 0.11 Category: NOTE * included datasets: all datasets contained in the package Text: Version: 0.11 Category: NOTE * included examples: for all functions Text: #### older miceadds versions (formerly micetrun) Version: 0.10 Text: Version: 0.8 Text: Version: 0.7 Text: Version: 0.6 Text: Version: 0.5 Text: Version: 0.4 Text: Version: 0.3 Text: Version: 0.2 Text: Version: 0.1 Text: