Version: 1.14 Category: NOTE * changed output of 'sim.raschtype' which is now of class data frame Text: Version: 1.14 Category: NOTE * added a not in 'lsem.estimate' that the model syntax should be Text: always specified in an object lavmodel (thanks to a communicated problem of Jenny Wagner) Version: 1.14 Category: NOTE * included utility function 'mcmc_Rhat' for computation of the Text: Rhat statistic from a single chain Version: 1.14 Category: NOTE * added statistics of average conditional covariances and MADCOV Text: in 'conf.detect' and 'expl.detect'. An example for DETECT analysis for simulated unidimensional data has been included (Example 3) which shows that DETECT can become negative (motivated by discussions with Berend Terluin, Weiyi Cheng, Yifan Liu and Yunfei Chang) Version: 1.14 Category: NOTE * added summary method for 'conf.detect Text: Version: 1.14 Category: NOTE * disabled default fixed seed in 'expl.detect Text: Version: 1.14 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.14 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mcmc_Rhat (1), conf.detect (3 Text: Version: 1.13 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'conf.detect' and 'expl.detect' with too few Text: items (routine crashed, thanks to Berend Terluin) Version: 1.13 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in data preprocessing in 'mlnormal' function Text: Version: 1.13 Category: NOTE * included reference to subscore package in 'prmse.subscores.scales Text: Version: 1.13 Category: NOTE * extended output values in 'categorize' function Text: Version: 1.13 Category: NOTE * added arguments for boundary values of a, b, c and d parameters Text: in noncompensatory IRT model function 'smirt' (requested by Chia-Ling Hsu) Version: 1.13 Category: ADDED * added robust linking method for multiple studies based on bisquare Text: robust regression estimation in 'linking.haberman'. In addition, a summary method has been added. Version: 1.13 Category: NOTE * included functions 'starts_cov' and 'starts_sim1dim' for the Text: STARTS model of Kenny and Zautra Version: 1.13 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.13 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mlnormal (3), linking.haberman (5 Text: starts_cov (1) Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * included utility function 'prior_model_parse' for convenient Text: specifications of priors for the 'amh' function Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * included utility function 'loglike_mvnorm' for calculation Text: of log-likelihood for a multivariate normal distribution based on sufficient statistics Version: 1.12 Category: ADDED * added deterministic optimization for Bayesian model estimation Text: in the function 'pmle' (penalized maximum likelihood estimation). See the 'amh' help page. Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * fixed a bug in LSEM plot function for subsets of parameters Text: (thanks to Johanna Hartung) Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * corrected a bug in Example 1 in 'equating.rasch' Text: (thanks to Kelvin Gregory) Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * changed labelling of response pattern in 'md.pattern.sirt Text: to integers Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * included example in 'nedelsky-methods' for fitting the Nedelsky Text: model with xxirt function Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * added history of adaptive proposal standard deviations in Text: 'amh' function in output Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * added sampled parameter vector with highest value of posterior Text: distribution in 'amh' for comparison with 'pmle' function Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * added comparison of MAP, multivariate MAP and mean estimator Text: in 'amh' in value 'comp_estimators'. Now also included in 'summary.amh'. Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * Defunct functions: 'rasch.conquest', 'rasch.pml2' , 'yen.q3 Text: 'testlet.yen.q3' Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * included utility functions 'CallSwitch' and 'parmsummary_extend Text: Version: 1.12 Category: NOTE * included utility functions 'pow', 'tracemat', 'soft_thresholding Text: 'hard_thresholding', 'bounds_parameters', 'dimproper', 'ginverse_sym' (see '?sirt-utilities') Version: 1.12 Category: ADDED * included estimation routine 'mlnormal' for (restricted) maximum Text: likelihood estimation for mean and covariance structures for a multivariate normal distribution (e.g. multilevel models, factor analysis, structural equation models, multilevel structural equation models, social relations model, ...). Prior distribution and lasso penalities are also accomodated. Version: 1.12 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.12 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: prior_model_parse (1 Text: loglike_mvnorm (1), amh (1), equating.rasch (1), amh (1), nedelsky-methods (1), sirt-utilities (1,2,3,4), parmsummary_extend (1), mlnormal (1,2) Version: 1.11 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'mirt.wrapper.coef' which occured due to Text: changes in output structures of mirt package Version: 1.11 Category: ADDED * added user defined item response model estimation 'xxirt' with Text: corresponding S3 methods Version: 1.11 Category: ADDED * added experimental adaptive Metropolis-Hastings routine 'amh Text: with corresponding S3 methods Version: 1.11 Category: ADDED * added utility functions for objects of class 'mcmc.list' (from Text: coda package): 'mcmc_coef', 'mcmc_vcov', ..., 'mcmc_WaldTest' Version: 1.11 Category: NOTE * included inverse gamma distribution ('rinvgamma2') with Text: parametrization in prior sample size and prior variance Version: 1.11 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.11 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: rasch.jml (1), xxirt (1,2 Text: xxirt_createParTable (1), xxirt_createThetaDistribution (1), amh (1,2), mcmc_coef (1), rinvgamma2 (1) Version: 1.10 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in summary function of MCMC based item Text: response models (thanks to Andres Burga) Version: 1.10 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'rasch.mml2' when using the 'center.b Text: argument (thanks to Sarah Thomas) Version: 1.10 Category: NOTE * renamed functions 'yen.q3' into 'Q3' and 'testlet.yen.q3 Text: into 'Q3.testlet'. The old function names can still be used. Version: 1.10 Category: NOTE * included argument 'standardized' in 'lsem.estimate' which Text: adds standardized solutions in the output using 'lavaan::standardizedSolution' (thanks to Janina Kuenecke) Version: 1.10 Category: NOTE * cleaned namespace file and defined imported functions Text: in a more explicit way Version: 1.10 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.10 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: lsem.estimate (1 Text: Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * allows thinning in 'plot.mcmc.sirt' function Text: Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * fixed a minor bug in summary output of 'rasch.mml2' for Text: irtmodel='missing1' Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * included argument 'zerosum' in 'rasch.pairwise' and Text: 'rasch.pairwise.itemcluster' to apply a zero sum constraint of for item difficulties (suggested by Chen-Wei Liu) Version: 1.9 Category: NOTE * included example for bootstrapping standard errors for Text: 'rasch.pairwise' (suggested by Chen-Wei Liu) Version: 1.9 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.9 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: rasch.pairwise (1 Text: dif.logistic.regression (2) Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * corrected a non-working example in 'lsem.estimate' Text: (thanks to Takuya Yanagida) Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * changed defaults and outputs in 'mcmc.list.descriptives Text: and 'plot.mcmc.sirt' Version: 1.8 Category: ADDED * included argument '' in 'rasch.mml2' for item specific Text: estimation of delta parameters in irtmodel='missing1'. Now, the specification of has slightly been changed. Version: 1.8 Category: ADDED * included function 'likelihood.adjustment' for adjusting Text: individual likelihood Version: 1.8 Category: NOTE * disabled the broken plot method for 'noharm.sirt' objects Text: Version: 1.8 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.8 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: lsem.estimate (1 Text: rasch.mml2 (7.12-14, 8), likelihood.adjustment (1) Version: 1.7 Category: ADDED * included function 'btm' for estimating an extended Bradley-Terry Text: model (suggested and fixed by Chris Weadon) Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added minimum and maximum values in summary of 'lsem.estimate Text: Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * included JML estimation of Bradley-Terry model ('btm') with Text: elimination of persons with extreme scores Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * included infit and outfit statistics in 'btm Text: Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * changed layout of summary of 'lsem.estimate' and Text: 'plot.lsemPermutationTest' Version: 1.7 Category: NOTE * added separation index for Bradley-Terry model Text: (suggested by Sven De Maeyer) Version: 1.7 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'categorize' function Text: Version: 1.7 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.pw01 Text: Version: 1.7 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: btm (1,2 Text: Version: 1.6 Category: NOTE * added arguments 'minnode' and 'maxnode' in 'R2conquest' which Text: now allows full specification for the theta grid used in numerical approximation Version: 1.6 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'truescore.irt' when no standard errors were provided Text: Version: 1.6 Category: ADDED * added utility functions 'categorize' and 'decategorize' for Text: categorizing variables in a data frame Version: 1.6 Category: ADDED * added function 'lsem.estimate' for fitting local structural Text: equation models (LSEM). In addition, the permutation test is implemented in 'lsem.permutationTest'. Version: 1.6 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.lsem01 Text: Version: 1.6 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: categorize (1,2), lsem.estimate (1 Text: Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * changed default for argument 'itemcodes' in R2conquest fuction Text: Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * included S3 methods for probabilistic Guttman model 'prob.guttman Text: Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * included plot method for hierarchical rater model 'rm.sdt Text: Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * changed calculation of transformed parameters in 'rm.sdt Text: Version: 1.4 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'rm.sdt' for datasets with differing number of Text: item categories Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * added option for specifying a discrete latemt variable in Text: 'rm.sdt' function. Options for fixed item parameters were also added. Version: 1.4 Category: NOTE * added arguments for bounds of item slope and item difficulty Text: parameters in 'rasch.mml2' (requested by Aysenur Erdemir) Version: 1.4 Category: ADDED * added option for estimating the missingness delta parameter Text: in 'rasch.mml2' and 'irtmodel="missing1"' Version: 1.4 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'rasch.mml2' for missing data models and Text: included CALL in summary Version: 1.4 Category: FIXED * corrected missing output of individual likelihood and posterior Text: in 'rasch.mml2' for irtmodel='missing1' Version: 1.4 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.bs07a Text: Version: 1.4 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: data.eid (4.3a Text: (8e,9a), (07a), rm.sdt (2,3), rasch.mml2 (1,7) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: NOTE * defined several S3 methods for 'rasch.copula2' and Text: 'rasch.copula3' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: NOTE * adapted S3 methods for mirt because the new class Text: 'SingleGroupClass' is defined in mirt >= 1.7 and removed 'ConfirmatoryClass' and 'ExploratoryClass' methods Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: NOTE * exported the object (it was spuriously Text: non-exported in sirt 1.2; reported by Sven Liepertz) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: NOTE * included the argument '' for ignoring person Text: identifiers in 'R2conquest' function (suggested by Kelvin Gregory) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: NOTE * changed Example 1 in 'f1d.irt' due to a change in Text: Suggests regarding the MASS package in the psych package which caused an error in CRAN checks (suggested by William Revelle) Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: ADDED * included S3 methods logLik, IRT.likelihood, IRT.posterior Text: IRT.modelfit, summary.IRT.modelfit and IRT.irfprob for functions 'rasch.mml2', 'smirt', 'rasch.mirtlc', 'gom', 'rm.facets' and 'rm.sdt' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: NOTE * extended modelfit.sirt for objects of class gom Text: Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: ADDED * included function 'modelfit.cor.poly' for assessing Text: absolute model fit for polytomous item responses Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: ADDED * included arguments for fixing item and rater parameters in Text: 'rm.facets' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: ADDED * included IRT.factor.scores method for 'rm.facets' and Text: 'rm.sdt' Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: ADDED * included function 'IRT.mle' for estimating MLE, WLE and Text: MAP factor scores with user defined item response functions Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.3 Date: 2015-01-06 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: f1d.irt (1), rasch.mml2 (1 Text: rasch.mirtlc (1), gom.em (1), rm.facets (2), IRT.mle (1,2,3) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: NOTE * included standard errors of WLE parameters in 'wle.rasch Text: Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: NOTE * corrected formulas help file for 'pcm.conversion Text: (thanks to Thomas Kiefer) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: FIXED * fixed computational problems for calculating tetrachoric Text: correlation with empty cells in 'tetrachoric2' resp. 'polychoric2' (method of Olsson; thanks to a dataset privided by Ulrike Kipman) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: NOTE * included S3 methods IRT.likelihood, IRT.posterior and Text: IRT.irfprob for two classes (ConfirmatoryClass and ExploratoryClass) of mirt objects Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: ADDED * included item and person fit statistic in '' Text: for the partial credit model (suggested by Hiroyuki Yamada and Sven Liepertz) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: NOTE * included C-test dataset 'data.g308' from Text: Schroeders et al. (2014) Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: NOTE * included several examples from the book of Eid Text: and Schmidt: "Testtheorie und Testkonstruktion", see data.eid Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.g308, data.eid Text: Version: 1.2 Date: 2014-12-12 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: pcm.conversion (1 Text: (1,2,3), brm.sim (1), data.g308 (1), data.eid (1,2) Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-23 Category: NOTE * included arguments for mean and covariance matrix for Text: confirmatory multidimensional models in 'f1d.irt' Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-23 Category: NOTE * removed 'lavaanify.sirt' from sirt package and Text: included this function as 'lavaanify.IRT' in TAM package Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-23 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'lavaan2mirt' (thanks to Hong Giang Pham) Text: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-23 Category: NOTE * extended some person fit statistics to handle datasets Text: with missing responses (thanks to Hiroyuki Yamada) Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-23 Category: ADDED * included functions for estimating the Beta item Text: response model for continuous item responses Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-23 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 1.1 Date: 2014-11-23 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: f1d.irt (2), brm.sim (1 Text: Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * included argument 'progress' in 'gom.em' for optional Text: printing of iteration progress Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * disabled warnings produced in 'rasch.mirtlc' by the glm Text: function Version: 1.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in calculating the posterior in 'mirt.wrapper Text: for nonlinear item response models Version: 1.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in running exploratory factor analysis with Text: one dimension in noharm.sirt (thanks to Russell Zheng) Version: 1.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in datawide2long with Q-matrix input Text: Version: 1.0 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in data handling in 'invariance.alignment Text: with some missing intercepts and slopes Version: 1.0 Category: ADDED * included an extension of lavaan syntax to accomodate Text: guessing and slipping parameters and "__" (item shortage declaration) -> function 'lavaanify.sirt' The function lavaan2mirt also includes these options. Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * included coef and vcov method for function 'rasch.evm.pcm Text: Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * included argument weights in 'dirichlet.mle Text: Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * included utility function for conversion of different Text: parameterizations in partial credit model Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * included helper function 'mirt.wrapper.itemplot' Text: Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * enabled progress argument in rasch.copula functions Text: Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * renamed DeCarlo's hierarchical rater model based on Text: signal detection theory 'rm.hrm' into 'rm.sdt' Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * fixed an error in description of missing IRT models in Text: 'rasch.mml2.Rd' (thanks to Carmen Koehler) Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * fixed a bug in 'tam2mirt' for polytomous items Text: (thanks to Michal Modzelewski) Version: 1.0 Category: ADDED * included function 'mirt.specify.partable' for modifying Text: a parameter table in mirt package Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * included argument item type for polytomous data in 'lavaan2mirt Text: Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * updated 'lavaanify.sirt' function because of changes in Text: the lavaan::lavaanify function from lavaan 0.5-16 to the lavaan 0.5-17 package Version: 1.0 Category: NOTE * changed mean constraint for rater parameters in 'rm.facets' Text: Version: 1.0 Category: ADDED * included estimation and simulation functions for the Nedelsky model Text: ('nedelsky.sim', 'nedelsky.irf') Version: 1.0 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.ratings2, data.si06, data.ratings3 Text: Version: 1.0 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: dirichlet.simul (1,2 Text: (2), mirt.model.vars (1), rasch.mirtlc (4), data.long (3,4), lavaanify.sirt (1), lavaan2mirt (1), dirichlet.mle (1,2), pcm.conversion (1), data.big5 (1), mirt.specify.partable (1), nedelsky-methods (1,2) Version: 0.47 Category: ADDED * included wrapper function of mirt output of extracting Text: item parameters ('mirt.wrapper.coef') Version: 0.47 Category: EXAMP * added more examples for model estimation in mirt package Text: using customized item response functions and/or customized latent structure distributions o Ramsay's quotient model ('sim.qm.ramsay', Example 1) o Latent class analysis ('', Model 7) o Mixed Rasch model ('', Model 8) o Located latent class model/Latent class IRT model ('', Model 12; 'rasch.mirtlc', Example 4, Model 4) o Probabilistic Guttman model ('prob.guttman', Example 1, Model 3) o Nonparametric item response model with monotone item response functions ('prob.guttman', Example 4, Model 4) o Discrete grade of membership model ('gom.em', Simulated Example 2, Model 2m) o Multimensional item response model with discrete traits ('', Model 13) o DINA model ('', Model 14) o Rasch copula model ('rasch.copula2', Example 5) o Rasch model with non-normal distibution ('', Model 15) Version: 0.47 Category: ADDED * included wrapper function of mirt output for extracting Text: likelihood, posterior and expected counts Version: 0.47 Category: ADDED * extended modelfit.sirt for fitted objects from mirt package Text: Version: 0.47 Category: ADDED * included function 'lavaan2mirt' for converting syntax for the Text: lavaan package to syntax for the mirt package Version: 0.47 Category: ADDED * included function 'tam2mirt' for converting a fitted object Text: in TAM package into an object of class mirt in the mirt package Version: 0.47 Category: NOTE * corrected some typos and improved some examples (thanks to Phil Chalmers Text: Version: 0.47 Category: EXAMP * included an example for running Mplus from within R using the Text: MplusAutomation package ('', Model 1) Version: 0.47 Category: NOTE * renamed functionrasch.conquest into R2conquest -> function rasch.conquest Text: can still be used Version: 0.47 Category: ADDED * included function 'mirt.wrapper.fscores' for computing EAPs, MAPs and MLEs Text: for objects of class mirt Version: 0.47 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.47 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: mirt.wrapper (1,2,3,4,5 Text: sim.qm.ramsay (1), modelfit.sirt (1), (1,3,7,8,12,13,14), lavaan2mirt (1,2,3), tam2mirt (1,2,3,4), prob.guttman (1), gom.em (2), equating.rasch (1), data.reck (2), rasch.mirtlc (4), rasch.copula2 (5) Version: 0.46 Category: NOTE * used the operator '::' for functions which are used from Text: other packages than sirt in example files for datasets Version: 0.46 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in plot.noharm.sirt for unidimensional models Text: Version: 0.46 Category: NOTE * fixed a minor bug in summary in 'summary.rasch.pml2 Text: Version: 0.46 Category: NOTE * included argument 'use.maxincrement' for controlling Text: increments in 'rasch.pml3' Version: 0.46 Category: NOTE * speeded invariance alignment function and choose now Text: different starting values to ensure a global minimum. Changed also default parameters to obtain more stable results. Version: 0.46 Category: NOTE * excluded plotting function of 'invariance.alignment Text: Version: 0.46 Category: NOTE * changed calculation of measures of noninvariance in Text: invariance.alignment. Now, the noninvariance measures in 'invariance.alignment' and 'linking.haberman' are equivalent. Version: 0.46 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.46 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples:, data.big5 Text: invariance.alignment (4,5) Version: 0.45 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in reliability calculation in noharm.sirt Text: Version: 0.45 Category: NOTE * included plots for 'noharm.sirt' using the semPlot package Text: Version: 0.45 Category: ADDED * included first version of statistical implicative analysis ('sia.sirt Text: Version: 0.45 Category: ADDED * included function 'rasch.conquest' for running ConQuest from within R Text: Version: 0.45 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.45 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: data.mixed1, noharm.sirt (1,2 Text: sia.sirt (1),, rasch.evm.pcm (4) Version: 0.44 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in calculation of marginal parameters for testlet model Text: Version: 0.44 Category: ADDED * included the partially compensatory item response model Text: (irtmodel='partcomp' in 'smirt') Version: 0.44 Category: NOTE * speeded 'rasch.copula' functions a bit Text: Version: 0.44 Category: NOTE * included argument 'increment.factor' in rasch.copula to improve Text: convergence behavior Version: 0.44 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'rasch.mirtlc' in saved parameter estimates for Text: models with different initial estimates (n.starts>0) Version: 0.44 Category: ADDED * included function for calculating marginal item parameters for Text: testlet (bifactor) model ('testlet.marginalized') Version: 0.44 Category: ADDED * extended 'modelfit.sirt' for objects of class tam.mml, tam.mml.2pl Text: and tam.fa (from the TAM package) Version: 0.44 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in parsing residual matrix from NOHARM output in 'R2noharm Text: Version: 0.44 Category: NOTE * extended output in mcmc.list. descriptives Text: Version: 0.44 Category: NOTE * changed chi square p value in R2noharm in Values according to summary Text: Version: 0.44 Category: ADDED * included R implementation of NOHARM ('noharm.sirt Text: Version: 0.44 Category: NOTE * modelfit.sirt also allows for objects of class noharm.sirt Text: Version: 0.44 Category: NOTE * included Divgi estimation method of tetrachoric correlation Text: Version: 0.44 Category: ADDED * included maximum likelihood estimation of polychoric correlation Text: Version: 0.44 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: Text: Version: 0.44 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: data.wide2long (1), smirt (3), modelfit.sirt (1 Text: R2noharm (4), mcmc.list.descriptives (1), noharm.sirt (1,2),, tetrachoric (2), polychoric2 (1) Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * included function 'isop.test' for testing the ISOP model Text: Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * included (non-iterative) eigenvector method for estimating Text: the partial credit model -> 'rasch.evm.pcm' Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * included argument 'ref.item' in rasch.mirtlc for specification Text: of reference items Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * included test of de Gooijer and Yuan (2011) that CSN is non-positive Text: -> 'unidim.test.csn' Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * included option for testing differential item functioning in Text: rasch.evm.pcm Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * changed convergence behavior in rasch.mirtlc for 2PL models Text: Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * robust linking alternative to mean-mean linking ('linking.robust Text: Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * corrected output for hierarchical rater model ('rm.hrm Text: Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * included simple latent class model for two exchangeable raters Text: ('lc.2raters') Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * extended unidimensional copula model to multiple dimensions ('rasch.copula3 Text: Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * changed numerical differentiation parameters in several functions Text: to a smaller value Version: 0.43 Category: ADDED * included missing data IRT model ('rasch.mml2', irtmodel='missing1 Text: Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * included person (containing person parameters) as a value in rasch.copula2 Text: and rasch.copula2 Version: 0.43 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'testlet.yen.q3 Text: Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * allowed correlated residuals in reliability calculation of Text: 'reliability.nonlinearSEM' Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * included reliability estimation for pseudo maximum likelihood Text: estimation ('rasch.pml3') Version: 0.43 Category: NOTE * included marginal item parameters in the output in testlet model Text: ('mcmc.3pno.testlet') Version: 0.43 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.reck73C1a, data.reck73C1b Text: data.reck75C2, data.reck78ExA, data.reck79ExB,, data.si02, data.si03, data.si04, data.si05 Version: 0.43 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: isop.test (1), rasch.evm.pcm (1,2,3,4,5,6 Text: data.reck (2,3), rasch.mirtlc (3,4,5), gom.em (2), unidim.test.csn (1,2), gom.em (1), linking.robust (1,2,3), lc.2raters (1), data.wide2long (2), rasch.copula (4), rasch.mml2 (7), reliability.nonlinearSEM (1) Version: 0.42 Category: NOTE * included further values in smirt to allow to apply itemfit.sx2 Text: in the CDM package Version: 0.42 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in output of person parameters in smirt (missing Text: standard errors; thanks to Balal Izanloo) Version: 0.42 Category: NOTE * included empirical item-attribute discriminations in lsdm Text: Version: 0.42 Category: NOTE * changed NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files due to a change in Rcpp Text: Version: 0.42 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug for constraint in mu for multidimensional models Text: in rasch.mml2 Version: 0.42 Category: FIXED * fixed warning messages when reading NOHARM output files Text: Version: 0.42 Category: NOTE * stabilized estimation of tetrachoric correlation coefficients Text: for Tucker method (addition of cell sizes with a value .5) Version: 0.42 Category: ADDED * included the method of Bonett and Price for calculation a Text: tetrachoric correlation Version: 0.42 Category: NOTE * included additional outputs and item parameters for the Text: HRM-SDT (thanks to a discussion with Robin Gleeson) Version: 0.42 Category: NOTE * extended modelfit.sirt to objects of class R2noharm Text: Version: 0.42 Category: DATA * included/modified datasets: data.timss07.G8.RUS, data.reck611 Text: Version: 0.42 Category: EXAMP * included/modified examples: fuzcluster (1), modelfit.sirt (1 Text: Version: 0.41 Category: ADDED * included maximum likelihood estimation for discrete data in the Text: belief function framework ('fuzdiscr') Version: 0.41 Category: ADDED * included pseudo-log-likelihood estimation for fractional item Text: responses (values between 0 and 1) in 'rasch.mml2' Version: 0.41 Category: ADDED * included clustering fur fuzzy continuous data (belief function Text: framework) ('fuzcluster') Version: 0.41 Category: DATA * included datasets: data.pirlsmissing Text: Version: 0.41 Category: EXAMP * included examples: (3), rasch.mml2 (7 Text: Version: 0.40 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in 'data.wide2long Text: Version: 0.40 Category: NOTE * changed Rcpp code in eigenvalue calculation due to a CRAN request Text: Version: 0.40 Category: DATA * included datasets: data.big5.qgraph Text: Version: 0.40 Category: EXAMP * included examples: Text: Version: 0.39 Category: NOTE * included approximating function of expected percent score in Text: truescore.irt Version: 0.39 Category: NOTE * added a check function for inits in smirt (thanks to Balal Izanloo Text: Version: 0.39 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in output of person parameters (thanks to Balal Izanloo Text: Version: 0.39 Category: NOTE * speeded latent regression model 'latent.em.regression.raschtype Text: Version: 0.39 Category: ADDED * included latent.em.regression.normal for normally distributed Text: outcomes Version: 0.39 Category: NOTE * included factor for convergence acceleration in invariance.alignment Text: Version: 0.39 Category: NOTE * included summary for latent regression models Text: Version: 0.39 Category: ADDED * included function '' for maximum likelihood estimation Text: in generalized item response models which includes an option for estimating group parameters Version: 0.39 Category: NOTE * changed algorithm in 'invariance.alignment' into a two-step approach Text: Version: 0.39 Category: NOTE * included plot method for function 'invariance.alignment Text: Version: 0.39 Category: DATA * included datasets: data.inv4gr, data.ess2005, data.mcdonald.rape Text: data.si01 Version: 0.39 Category: EXAMP * included examples: lsdm (4,5), invariance.alignment (3 Text: plausible.value.imputation.raschtype (2,3) Version: 0.38 Category: ADDED * included function for automated finding of a scoring key in Text: a data frame with raw item responses ('automatic.recode') Version: 0.38 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in linking.haberman function Text: Version: 0.38 Category: NOTE * added argument personpars in linking.haberman for transformation Text: of person parameters Version: 0.38 Category: ADDED * included alignment method for approximate invariance Text: (Asparouhov & Muthen, 2013) Version: 0.38 Category: ADDED * included function truescore.irt for conversion of trait scores Text: into true scores for unidimensional item response models Version: 0.38 Category: DATA * included item parameters data.activity.itempars Text: Version: 0.37 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in rasch.mirtlc with multiple starts in latent Text: class models Version: 0.37 Category: NOTE * allowed input of student weights and product-moment Text: matrix in R2noharm Version: 0.37 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in calculation of degrees of freedom in R2noharm Text: function Version: 0.37 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in linear transformation for person parameters Text: in linking.haberman Version: 0.37 Category: ADDED * included eigenvalue decomposition function 'eigenvalues.sirt Text: Version: 0.37 Category: DATA * included datasets: 'data.noharmExC', 'data.mcdonald', 'data.reck Text: Version: 0.37 Category: DATA * included data conversion function 'data.wide2long' Text: Version: 0.37 Category: DATA * renamed 'data.noharm' into 'data.noharm18' Text: Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * corrected legends and labels in plot.isop function Text: Version: 0.35 Category: ADDED * included function rowKSmallest2.sirt Text: Version: 0.35 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in mcmc.3pno.testlet (thanks to Chun-Hsien Wu Text: -> removed parametrization 3 (bifactor model) because it produced untrustworthy results Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * included gregmisc in imports (thanks to Jean-Paul Fox Text: Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * disabled parametrization 2 in mcmc.3pno.testlet Text: -> now only the original model from the Glas paper (parametrization 1) is estimated Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * included argument for item parameter fixings in Text: pairwise conditional likelihood function rasch.pairwise.itemcluster Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * included ETS classification labels of uniform DIF in Text: function dif.logistic.regression Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * included the option of not submitting any item strata Text: to stratified.cronbach.alpha and an example for using the psych package Version: 0.35 Category: ADDED * included function 'md.pattern.sirt' for analyzing Text: response patterns Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * included crossprod function in several sirt functions Text: Version: 0.35 Category: ADDED * included monotone nonparametric estimation in 'rasch.mml2 Text: as the default in case of irtmodel='npirt' and npformula=NULL Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * speeded irtmodel='npirt' in case of providing npformula Text: Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * included output of summary of testlet effects in Text: mcmc.3pno.testlet Version: 0.35 Category: ADDED * included the functional unidimensional model (Ip et al. 2013 Text: Version: 0.35 Category: ADDED * included the linking method of Haberman (2009 Text: Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * included plot method for rasch.mml2 function Text: Version: 0.35 Category: NOTE * removed rasch.testlet.glmer function Text: Version: 0.34 Category: ADDED * included estimation of ISOP and ADISOP models Text: Version: 0.34 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in pbivnorm2 for negative correlations Text: Version: 0.34 Category: NOTE * included argument increment.factor in smirt to Text: prevent nonconvergence (thanks to Balal Izanloo) Version: 0.34 Category: ADDED * included rowwise maximum and minimum and rowwise Text: cumulative sum of a matrix based on Rcpp code Version: 0.34 Category: ADDED * included matrix functions rowIntervalIndex.sirt Text: (useful for simulations) and rowKSmallest.sirt (useful for sorting matrix entries, e.g. for predictive mean matching in mice) Version: 0.34 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in (thanks to Ronny Scherer Text: Version: 0.34 Category: ADDED * included matrix row and column wise monotone regression Text: function monoreg.rowwise (adapted from fdrtool package) Version: 0.34 Category: ADDED * included graded response model estimation in isop.poly Text: function Version: 0.34 Category: ADDED * included plot method for ISOP models (isop.dich and Text: isop.poly) Version: 0.34 Category: DATA * included example data.big5 Text: Version: 0.34 Category: EXAMP * included an example for DETECT for polytomous data Text: Version: 0.32 Category: ADDED * included the estimation of the 2PL model via MCMC (mcmc.2pno Text: Version: 0.32 Category: NOTE * included a function for estimating Rhat and MAP from MCMC output Text: (mcmc.list.descriptives) Version: 0.32 Category: ADDED * included a function for writing coda files (mcmclist2coda Text: Version: 0.32 Category: NOTE * renamed jacknife.rasch.jml into rasch.jml.jackknife1 Text: Version: 0.32 Category: ADDED * included mcmc.2pnoh for estimating a hierarchical IRT model Text: Version: 0.32 Category: ADDED * included mcmc.3pno.testlet for estimating IRT testlet and Text: bifactor models for dichotomous data Version: 0.32 Category: ADDED * included function for estimating a multilevel Text: IRT model for dichotomous and normally distributed data Version: 0.32 Category: ADDED * included R2NOHARM functions into this package for running Text: NOHARM from within R Version: 0.32 Category: NOTE * modelfit.sirt now allows objects of class smirt Text: Version: 0.32 Category: NOTE * speeded calculation of modelfit.sirt Text: Version: 0.32 Category: NOTE * speeded rasch.mml2, prob.guttman, rasch.mirtlc, rm.facets, rm.hrm Text: Version: 0.31 Category: NOTE * speeded rasch.pml2 a bit Text: Version: 0.31 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in smirt function (thanks to Izanloo Balal Text: Version: 0.31 Category: ADDED * included function tetrachoric2 faster calculation Text: of the tetrachoric correlation matrix Version: 0.31 Category: ADDED * included pbivnorm2 for calculating the bivariate normal integral Text: Version: 0.31 Category: NOTE * included rasch.pml3, a bit faster version than rasch.pml2 Text: Version: 0.31 Category: FIXED * eliminated warning statements in smirt and fixed a bug in Text: estimation of a and b parameters in smirt (thanks to Izanloo Balal) Version: 0.30 Category: NOTE * included a Rcpp function for faster calculations in rm.hrm Text: (now there is a dependency of Rcpp and RcppArmadillo) Version: 0.30 Category: ADDED * included smirt function for estimating the multdimensional Text: noncompensatory and compensatory models Version: 0.30 Category: ADDED * included variational approximation for the Rasch model Text: Version: 0.30 Category: ADDED * included the (Rasch) grade of membership model Text: Version: 0.29 Category: ADDED * included function for computing eigenvalues and inverses of Text: many matrices Version: 0.29 Category: ADDED * included facets models with item/rater intercepts and slopes Text: Version: 0.29 Category: ADDED * included initial version of the hierarchical rater model based on Text: signal detection theory (DeCarlo et al., 2011) Version: 0.29 Category: ADDED * included function for simulating and estimating the Text: Dirichlet distribution Version: 0.29 Category: ADDED * included grade of membership model with joint maximum Text: likelihood estimation -> gom.jml Version: 0.28 Category: NOTE * included standard errors in rasch.mml2 Text: Version: 0.28 Category: ADDED * included marginal true score reliability for binary item Text: response data (Dimitrov, 2003; thanks to Ulrich Schroeders) Version: 0.27 Category: ADDED * included classification accuracy in the Rasch model Text: Version: 0.27 Category: ADDED * implemented the multidimensional latent class Rasch model Text: (Bartolucci, 2007) Version: 0.27 Category: NOTE * cleaning of help files, included several datasets and Text: examples Version: 0.27 Category: NOTE * included log-linear smoothing of the theta distribution Text: in rasch.mirtlc Version: 0.27 Category: ADDED * included 2PL estimation in rasch.mirtlc Text: Version: 0.27 Category: ADDED * included global fit statistics in modelfit.sirt Text: Version: 0.27 Category: NOTE * included log-linear smoothing of the ability distribution Text: in rasch.mml2 Version: 0.27 Category: NOTE * accelerated rasch.pml function and renamed it into rasch.pml2 Text: Version: 0.27 Category: NOTE * allowed for linear constraints for residual correlations Text: in rasch.pml2 Version: 0.27 Category: NOTE * accelerated latent.regression.em.raschtype and Text: plausible value routines Version: 0.26 Category: NOTE * restructured rasch.mml2 function to get a bit more compact code Text: Version: 0.26 Category: NOTE * do not export rasch.mml and rasch.copula anymore via namespace Text: Version: 0.26 Category: ADDED * included nonparametric IRT function estimation in rasch.mml2 Text: -> argument irtmodel='npirt' (Rossi, Wang & Ramsay, 2002) Version: 0.26 Category: ADDED * included multidimensional models in rasch.mml2 Text: Version: 0.26 Category: NOTE * added corrected AIC (AICc) in rasch.mml2 and rasch.copula2 Text: Version: 0.26 Category: NOTE * corrected mean and SD estimation in rasch.mml2 Text: Version: 0.26 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in the calculation of the number of estimated parameters Text: in rasch.copula2 Version: 0.26 Category: FIXED * corrected rasch.mml2 function in case of fixed weights of Text: trait distribution Version: 0.26 Category: FIXED * corrected a bug in wle.rasch Text: Version: 0.26 Category: ADDED * included probabilistic Guttman model Text: Version: 0.26 Category: ADDED * added analytical bias correction method for JML estimation of the Rasch model Text: Version: 0.26 Category: NOTE * accelerated PMML estimation algorithm Text: Version: 0.26 Category: ADDED * added 2PL estimation in rasch.pml Text: Version: 0.25 Category: FIXED * fixed bad numerical behavior in rasch.copula2 for Cook-Johnson Text: and Frank copula models Version: 0.25 Category: NOTE * improved speed in yen.q3 and extended output Text: Version: 0.25 Category: NOTE * speed improvement in rasch.mml and rasch.copula2 Text: Version: 0.25 Category: NOTE * included version rasch.mml2 with substantial speed improvements Text: Version: 0.25 Category: NOTE * speed improvements for rasch.jml function Text: Version: 0.24 Category: NOTE * changed algorithms behavior of rasch.copula2 Text: (parameter increments depend on number of iterations) Version: 0.24 Category: FIXED * corrected deviance calculation in rasch.copula Text: Version: 0.23 Category: NOTE * removed functions for running ConQuest from this package Text: Version: 0.23 Category: ADDED * included Cook-Johnson and Frank copula in rasch.copula2 function Text: Version: 0.23 Category: ADDED * included examples for wle.rasch.jackknife Text: Version: 0.23 Category: FIXED * removed a minor printing bug in rasch.copula Text: Version: 0.23 Category: FIXED * fixed a bug in jackknife.rasch.jml Text: Version: 0.23 Category: NOTE * included item parameter constraints in jackknife.rasch.jml Text: Version: 0.23 Category: FIXED * corrected handling of extreme responses in rasch.prox Text: Version: 0.22 Category: ADDED * included estimation of residual error correlations in rasch.pml Text: Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * restructured rasch.testlet.glmer function Text: Version: 0.22 Category: DATA * included data set reading Text: Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * set a different default in rasch.mml (estimation of trait SD seemed incorrect Text: Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * rasch.testlet.glmer: output EAPs and EAP reliability Text: Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * included loglog and cloglog link functions in rasch.testlet.glmer Text: Version: 0.22 Category: ADDED * included jackknife estimation of the joint maximum likelihood Text: Rasch model Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * included a speeded version of rasch.copula and labelled it Text: as rasch.copula2 -> The old version rasch.copula remains in the package. Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * output posterior distribition, EAP estimates and Text: EAP reliability in rasch.copula Version: 0.22 Category: ADDED * introduced probit and logit version of rasch.pml: pairwise marginal Text: likelihood estimation Version: 0.22 Category: FIXED * removed some bugs (or inefficiencies) in numerical differentiation Text: in rasch.mml and rasch.copula Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * renamed sim.rasch.copula into sim.rasch.dep Text: Version: 0.22 Category: ADDED * included function rasch.pairwise.itemcluster for the conditional Text: pairwise estimation method for locally dependent items Version: 0.22 Category: NOTE * package structure of sirtr is created Text: Version: 0.22 Category: ADDED * included simulation function for Rasch copula model ('sim.rasch.copula Text: # older sirt versions (formerly sirtr up to 0.21) Version: 0.21 Text: Version: 0.20 Text: Version: 0.19 Text: Version: 0.18 Text: Version: 0.17 Text: Version: 0.16 Text: Version: 0.15 Text: Version: 0.14 Text: Version: 0.13 Text: Version: 0.12 Text: Version: 0.11 Text: Version: 0.10 Text: Version: 0.9 Text: Version: 0.8 Text: Version: 0.7 Text: Version: 0.6 Text: Version: 0.5 Text: Version: 0.4 Text: Version: 0.3 Text: Version: 0.2 Text: Version: 0.1 Text: Version: 0.0 Text: